The Reserve

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A/N: italics is for mind talking through the pack bond. 

It was a normal day at the Reserve, well as normal as it could get. Rough games, shirtless, hungry boys (who were huge BTW) and all that jazz. The guys were simply hanging out when Embry reached his destination. He quickly transformed and entered the place and immediately headed towards Sam who was the Alpha of the pack.

"Sam, there's nothing to report other than the fact that there are new people in the area" Embry said. "How many?" Sam asked. "Three. Two girls and a man." Embry replied. By then the entire pack was listening on the conversation. 

"Are they hot?" Quil asked and Leah slapped the back of his head.

 "YO. That was just a question." Quil argued but Leah simply glowered. Embry decided to tell Sam about the scents of the new people and all the other informations. "Are you sure that the girl was human?" Paul asked. "Of course I am. She had grey eyes. Aside from her really pale skin, she's OK." Embry said. 

"I guess we don't have to worry about them then." Jake said. "Oh yes, the other two smelled kinda like us but different then us." Embry added more information. "How's that possible?" Sam asked slightly confused. 

"The other girl smelled like chocolate and a wolf. Like she's covered by the wolf's scent. The man however you know, like the scent is a part of him. But he smells like a dog, I guess. It's just confusing." Embry said. 

"Do you think we've got to check them out?" Quil asked. "Let's go. Embry, Jake and Quil you're with me." Sam commanded with his alpha voice and the three guys followed their alpha back to the place of the new house.

Time skip~

The wolves reached the new house. Only one of them was outside and that was the girl who caught Embry's attention the most. It kind of creeped out the shape shifters as she was just as Embry described her to be. Pale, really pale, cold sense of aura and a smell of the flowers and nature surrounded her. It was as if she could be a part of the forest. 

 'She's hot.'  Quil said through the pack bond. 

They were not very close to the house as the girl seemed to be inspecting the new house. The guys were silent as she looked vigilant and would snap her head at the slightest sound. Suddenly she stopped just at a place and was looking at the ground. The place was a bit far from the house and the others were curious as to what she was looking at. 

'That's where I was inspecting them from.' Embry said through the pack bond. 

The girl touched the print and in a whisper said 'Wolf'. 

'Thanks dumbass. Now she knows about the wolves.' Quil said and Embry looked at him. 

Sam was not happy with this outcome. They were a secret sort of protection group and on the first day itself the girl finds out about wolves. 

While they were busy in their bickering and thoughts, Jake really looked at the girl. She was beautiful. She looked like a girl who had everything sorted but she had a poker face, a deadly poker face that chilled him. Little did they know that the girl was a powerful witch and used 'Homenum revelio' wandlessly and saying the incantation in a whisper. 

Seeing the presence of three others, she turned to their direction with a small smirk. This was what unnerved Jake. Her smirk was just as deadly as her pokerface. 

'Guys we've gotta go. She's coming this way.' Jake said through the bond to the other wolves. Quickly and silently the left the area much to the amusement of Lyra. 

Now that Lyra knew, she was not about to let go. She however was not going to tell anyone about it. After all she was a Slytherin and Slytherins always have a secret card to play at. It was times like this that she looked and behaved so much like a Slytherin and it amused her to no end that her dad was a Gryffindor. Feeling bored, she headed back to the house and charmed the house to make any muggle, magical creatures and shapeshifters see no magic when they see through the windows. 

Hermione and Sirius were busy unpacking, Hermione doing most of it with intricate wand movements and Sirius was taking care of all the cars, the garage and the small broom room which was 'mainly for emergencies' as Hermione said. 

Lyra had always been fascinated by the sky especially at night with the twinkling stars. She would trace all the constellations that she would find and talk with them. Sometimes through the window, sometimes on the broom, anywhere she went she appreciated the stars above. It was her true sense of security, one that was only achieved when Professor Severus Snape was close. Much to her papa's displeasure, she was his prodigy and was quite close with the man. It made her very sad and destructive when she learned of his death. She alone hexed off and killed so many death eaters and the deaths didn't matter to her. She knew they deserved it. These were moments when she felt so evil and it scared her. She knew she was far from perfect. She was a murderer and she would do it again in a heartbeat. 

HOWEVER, today was not the day to be thinking about those thoughts. She took in a calming breath, closed her eyes and gave a small smile. This was a new beginning and they were just getting started. 


So, I've got Exams. Major reason why I didn't update. 

There is also a very huge chance I won't be updating for a long time as my finals are coming up. If I do update then you guys are lucky. 

Also sorry to some of you who thought I updated the story before. I just corrected some of my mistakes. 

BTW, I never thought this book would get so much love. I mean come on 926 reads. Love y'all. 

Keep voting and commenting. 

There are some lovely readers out there who vote for every chapter so I just want to say thanks to them. I appreciate every vote so much. 

I also love to read and reply to your comments because with this story I'm able to reach to the different parts of the world where I might never visit. 

Till the very end. 

Your one and only

Khonota ~

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