15. 'Not Stalking'

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Hermione knew that even though it was in Lyra's nature not to show a lot of emotions, she knew that it definitely took a toll on her. She now knew the pain of losing people in life and she knew the gut wretching pain she saw when Harry came out of the forest, pretending to be dead.

It seemed real to her and she had been terrified with the sight. Now having a little insight in the situation, this was the first time Hermione felt truly sad for Lyra.

In the Reserve~
It was not what Sam Uley had planned to do and he definitely wasn't keen on it. At all. He was not, in any way,planning to stalk the two new girls in town. He was planning a lookout.

"So you want us to stalk them?" Paul asked with a straight face, not thinking much about his words and that sent Sam to a coughing fit. He choked on the air.

"Not Stalking. Someone get me a glass of water. It's a lookout." Sam clarified. Jacob gave Sam a glass of water and listened attentively to the current Alpha.

"Not Stalking who?" Emily asked as she took the empty glass.

"Some new visitors in town." Sam replied to his imprint.

"Two girls and a man." Paul elaborated.

"That is wonderful. Maybe you boys can invite them to the beach." Emily suggested as she walked back to the kitchen.

Sam gave a short laugh at the suggestion but when he turned to look at the pack members, he saw them taking in to the suggestion.

"Boys, Emily was kidding." Sam said.

"No she wasn't. Quil replied.

Paul on the other hand asked Emily in a loud voice," Hey Em? Were you just joking about us asking the new visitors to the beach?"

"Not at all." Emily replied and Sam groaned.

"Come on Em. I thought you were on my side." Sam replied.

"I always on your side Sam." Emily replied and Sam gave a goofy grin. The rest of the pack wanted to snigger. Sam was so whipped over his imprint.

Back to Hermione and Lyra

It was 6pm when both girls finished their homeworks and such. Both were not at the lab with quills and books, making notes and swift changes to the research.

Lyra seemed to be in deep thought when a lumos went off in her head.

Frantically, she went back to old experiments on werewolves and made notes on all the similar ingredients used and another notes on ingredients not used or rarely used. She saw a series of ingredients which were very popular in the list like moonstone, wolfsbane, etc while ingredients like Vampire venom were hardly present due to the difficulties in procuring it or the high cost.

It was not the best idea Lyra had so she decided to make Hermione think it was her idea.

"Hermione, I made a list of ingredients and such. Check it and see if you find anything."

It was done. Lyra was looking at her nails and her thoughts drifted off to painting her nails in a darker shade of red when she heard Hermione's mumbling.

"So, we could try on ingredients hardly used and figure out reactions given out. But we would need a test subject which is a complete no. Practically there isn't enough evidence to support this....... I don't get why would..... Oh..." and then silence.

"Lyra, we could try and use the ingredients hardly used and test it out on Remus' blood. What do you think?" Hermione asked in a louder voice.

"Of course. I was also thinking in a similar course of action. That's a brilliant idea." Lyra responded. She gave herself a mental pat and a slap. She wanted to test it out on the werewolves who were with voldemort and later captured. Blood meant no more hurting people or werewolves.

With enough research done on the subject, Hermione and Lyra went back to the kitchen for a snack.

"Winky?" Lyra called out rather softly but the house elf popped right up.

"Yes Mistress? What can Winky do for you? " she replied.

"Is dinner ready? " Lyra asked.

Hermione sat down not wanting to argue or think about using the services of an elf.

"Of course Mistress. Winky will bring it right away." And with a pop she disappeared.

Hermione took another look at Lyra. The way she sat down, relaxed but poised. And the way she would tap her fingers on her thighs like she was playing an instrument. Hermione sometimes didn't know what to make of her.

Sensing eyes on her, Lyra suddenly opened her left eye to look at Hermione making the older girl look away.

"Sorry." Hermione apologised and Lyra groaned.

"Stop apologising for silly reasons like this Hermione. I don't like it. At all. It feels like I did something wrong." Lyra said in a whining tone to which Hermione was about to apologise again.

Lyra looked at her, daring her to even try and the Gryffindor stopped herself. Satisfied, Lyra went back to relaxing.

Winky soon came and arranged the table. It consisted of fresh fruits like pear, green apples, berries and Lyra's favourite glass noodles with spicy sauce, topped with fish and chips. Hermione never understood the combination but she also didn't question it.

After a particularly long day, Hermione decided to go to the library and do some work on the vast high school curriculum and Lyra was simply lounging.

She didn't have to lounge for long as she felt a group of presence crossing her wards. Sitting up straight, she tucked her wand under her sleeve and opened the door quietly. No one was alerted other then her.

She knew whatever it was, wasn't human. It felt like a huge animal but it wasn't a complete animal. She knew they were the wolves whose prints she encountered on the first day.

Wanting to play a prank on them, she went outside. Casting a silencing spell on the house, she opened her front door and went out to the open.

Sam held on to his breath. He was sure the girl was not human, not completely atleast. He was sure of it.

"I know you are hiding out other. I can feel you, sense you. You can try all you want but you can't hide from me." Lyra announced with a slightly sinister tone and smile as she stood in the open area. She had a vague idea of what they were.

Lyra could've sworn she could hear some rustling. It was very faint and she would've missed it if she wasn't an animagus.  

"That doesn't sound so convincing. Maybe the drama club isn't for me." Lyra added on. She knew if she overdid it, they would know.She wasn't ready for a confrontation at the moment.

Jacob was doubtful for a second. He was sure he'd have lost his footing or something. He sure as hell was happy Bella wasn't there. Though that would be impossible but still, that girl keeps tripping.

"Good night forest and its creatures." Lyra announced and went back inside.

Holding their breaths, Jacob and Sam moved back to the Reserve. They left the place with more questions than answers.

"Weird girl." Jacob muttered and Sam agreed. Relaying it to the Pack, there was more confusion then before.

Sorry for the late, late update.
College has been absolutely hectic with my professors pushing us ahead to quickly finish the semesters.
Anyhoo, I hope you all enjoy this update and are doing fine.

Mine is chocolate milkshake. I love it so much.

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