11.New Friends

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I'm so happy with the response I received in the previous chapter. Thank you so much guys.

Hermione, this is Jasper Hale. Jasper Hale, this is Hermione." Lyra introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you." Hermione said and gave a small smile. "The pleasure is mine." He replied and suddenly realised that her blood too didn't appeal to her. Her scent reminded him of hot chocolate in an old library during the autumn. The imagery was weird for him. Human food didn't appeal to him but her scent made him feel human.

This was probably going to be a weird year for him. And that was coming from a vampire who fought in a human war as well as the vampire wars. Weird. How weirdly weird.

Upon meeting Jasper, Hermione looked at Lyra one more time. She was about to say something when the Slytherin simply said "Bye Hermione, see you at lunch." One could never trust a Gryffindor for subtlety.

"What class do you have?" Jasper asked Lyra once Hermione left.

"Literature. What about you?" Lyra inquired politely.

"Same. Let's go together." Jasper said and the two of them headed towards the said class in comfortable silence.

Hermione's Pov~

I know that Jasper Hale is a vampire and I'm pretty sure that Lyra knows it too. Why in the world would she go with him?

I reached the history classroom but my attention was diverted towards the vampire Jasper. How could he stay in a classroom full of pumping warm blood? I knew magical vampires were rare and I've only met Sanguine but I've seen a lot of normal vampires and they couldn't normally stay near so much humans. The blodlust made them crazy.

POV over~

Hermione was in a daze as she entered the classroom, gave her introduction and sat at the back of the class as there were no seats in the front. Hermione didn't realise she sat beside Alice Cullen. 

An enthusiastic "Hi" from her left brought her back to her senses. 

"Hello." Hermione said lamely. "I'm Alice Cullen." the female said. 

Hermione's interest was suddenly piqued. Cullen.... She remembered that name from her Biology class with Lyra. 

"Hermione Granger-Lupin. " Hermione provided. 

"I know." Alice replied in an enthusiastic tone.

 Looking at the girl, Hermione noticed that Alice rocked a hairstyle that suited her fine, spiky and short. She was also extremely pale and beautiful and of course, golden eyes. The eyes were a dead giveaway, another vampire. 

Hermione wasn't even shocked anymore. Plus, she was all about equality so since the female vampire was so polite, she wasn't going to go all offensive on her. 

"I love your sweater. Where'd you get it?"Alice asked with a smile.

 Hermione was sporting a small smile too. Her energy was infectious but she had to think for a second. Her mind supplied 'Sweater means jumper in America.'

"Oh,umm..... Its from London. My friend and I went shopping and she bought it for me." Hermione said. 

"Well your friend has amazing taste. Wish I could meet her." Alice replied wistfully. 

"You can actually. She joined this school with me." Hermione whispered. Class had begun and she felt rebellious to be talking in class. It was refreshing to talk to someone who wasn't taken aback or surprised with her British accent. 

"Join me in lunch? Invite your friend too. I insist. It'll be fun." Alice whispered, giving no room for Hermione to argue with her, not that she was planning to say no to her. 

Back in literature class, Lyra was making small talk with Jasper. They were currently reading and reviewing 'A midsummer's night dream' by Shakespeare.

"You know, Mr Hale, Titania is my middle name."Lyra told Jasper in amusement.

" All hail Queen Titania."Jasper whispered back. And he, very much shocked himself. He was behaving very out of character and he didn't understand why. He knew the girl was different but he couldn't make out why.

"The other girl, Ms Granger-Lupin, isn't her name from Shakespeare too?" Jasper enquired.

"Yes it is. But we are not related. One can only hope." Lyra responded, the last sentence was said in a amused whisper. 

Jasper nodded, slightly confused at her last comment. The girl was an enigma, that was fairly certain. He sneaked glances at her and saw that her side profile was just as attractive as her whole face. 

He was pretty sure, most girls would love to have such features and from the amount of jealousy he was picking up from the students towards Lyra, he knew he was correct. 

She was his first 'human' friend in a long time and he was ready to protect her if need be. But looking at her, she looked like someone who didn't bother with the thoughts of other people. He couldn't wait to tell Carlisle and Esme about his new friend. 

In history class, Hermione was diligently taking notes. The teacher was much more interesting than Professor Binns and taught the subject with great interest and experience. 

"What's your next class Hermione?" Alice whispered. 

"Chemistry. Why?" Hermione whispered back. 

"Nothing. Just wanted to know." Alice responded and they shifted their attention back to the class. 

In the other class, Lyra was lost in her thoughts. She didn't plan on befriending vampires on her first day of muggle school. She scoffed in her head, she planned on having a normal year. Harry was not the only trouble magnet. Hermione was another trouble magnet. 

Lost in her thoughts, the class ended. Next, she had her art class. Hermione had Chemistry. She was simply glad about the fact that she did not have history that day. She was pants at the subject, and she had no real interest in it unless it served its purpose to her. 

Remembering dates, achievements and mundane knowledge that served no purpose in her life was how she viewed a certain part of history. Not that she was going to tell anyone. Also, she might have fallen asleep while listening to her muggle history teacher. 

Hermione on the other hand was terrible at art but brilliant in history. Plus, she made a new friend in school. Spending a short time with her, Hermione found Alice to be very energetic and quirky. She was like Luna in a way with her quirkiness but she missed the soft, whimsical voice and the dreamy look in her eyes. 

Hermione was not sure what to make out of her recent discovery of vampires. Sure, she killed some of their kind but the ones she killed were evil, bloodthirsty and had a mad look in their eyes. 

The Cullens on the other hand were calm, collected and friendly. Were they really though? It could simply be a pretense. War had made most of them paranoid and most of the time, it kept them safe. 

One thing was for sure, after school Hermione was going to question Lyra Black all about why they moved to Forks. 


 That's the end of this chapter. Any assumptions about me? 

Follow me if you want to be informed everytime I update this book as I announce it everytime I release a new chapter.

Anyway,I'm sorry if I didn't thank you for adding this book to your reading lists. I really appreciate it, don't get me wrong but I might have missed some of yours, so I'm sorry. I'll try to respond to all but sometimes Wattpad doesn't allow me to so, I'm sorry and thank you again.

Anywhere, somewhere. 


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