12. It's lunch

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A/N: Hi. Its been so long. I know y'all have been waiting for this chapter but I had no inspiration for the chapter title. Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.

Previously ~

The Cullens on the other hand were calm, collected and friendly. Were they really though? It could simply be a pretense. War had made most of them paranoid and most of the time, it kept them safe. 

One thing was for sure, after school Hermione was going to question Lyra Black all about why they moved to Forks.


Lyra was heading towards the art class. Entering, she briefly introduced herself and sat down at the far back of the classroom. 

"Why don't you draw something for which you are thankful for?" the teacher said. No sooner those words were said, Lyra picked up her pencil. 

She started thinking, what was she thankful for? Luna for being her best friend, Hogwarts for teaching her magic, her papa for sleeping with her mother to conceive her, her mother for sacrificing her life, her godfather for protecting her and bringing her to Britain, Cedric for being her friend, etc, etc. 

She didn't want to draw or sketch or make any art from them. It was not because she wasn't grateful, it was because Lyra believed that none of them in that class deserved to see something so intimate, so private. So she started sketching a very open memory. 

Being a perfectionist she perfected the curves of her pencil and the strokes she presented in them. She was so concentrated in her work that she did not see a student next to her look at her art. 

Picking up the sensation that someone was watching her, Lyra tensed. She tried to casually turn and look at the person only to come face to a very smiley vampire. 

"Hello, I'm Alice Cullen." she said. Lyra nodded and introduced herself too. 

"You draw so well." Alice commented.

"Thanks. I guess." Lyra responded. 

Continuing on her art piece, Lyra paid no mind to the vampire. It was a public place after all.

"Are you a friend of Hermione?" Alice suddenly asked.

Lyra stopped her artwork and turned towards Alice to respond.

"Kinda. We are not related by blood but she's like an older sister though." Lyra had to hold back a smirk that was so ready to come out as responded with a straight face and Alice nodded her head.

Focusing on their own artwork now, Lyra had a full fledged smirk on her face as she worked on. Mentioning blood to a vampire was a test that the female vampire passed. Lyra deduced that Alice much be well fed and in proper control not to react to the word. It was what she called 'the trigger test', a little experiment that she conducted on herself and others.

"I invited Hermione to lunch along with you. If you want to join that is." Alice said.

"Okay. If she's okay, I see no problem." Lyra responded and gave a small smile. The vampire reminded her slightly of Luna, her best of all friends.

"I'm so excited for lunch." Alice said with a beautiful, white smile and her excitement was clearly visible. Lyra imagined that if it was not in class, the girl would twirl around in happiness.

"By the way, what are you drawing?" Lyra asked and changed the topic.

"Oh. It's my family." Alice said with a soft smile.  "What about you?" she asked.

"Oh, it's my favourite spot in my previous school." Lyra said. She was drawing the area near the Black lake where she would frequently visit with Luna to lounge, read and have fun without the others paying any mind to them.

They duo feel into a comfortable silence as they continued on their own art pieces.

Time seemed to just passby and towards the end of their class, everyone was made to present their artwork and say why they drew it.

One by one, every student went ahead and spoke of their reasons. Until it was Lyra's turn.

Gracefully handling her art, she went and placed it on the stand and faced the class. Every guy and girl gave her their full attention. Looking straight at them with a cool gaze she started, "I drew my favourite location. I'm grateful for it because I was able to make so many wonderful memories along with my best friend."

Short and simple. She was, after all not looking to please anyone.

"Why did you draw the water black?" some guy from the back of the class questioned and some of them started sniggering.

"The place is called The Black lake. The sediments and the surroundings give the lake its colour hence the name." Lyra bluntly responded and the laughs stopped.

It was good too, the bell rang and they were dismissed.

Getting out of the classroom, she went to her locker and met up with Hermione. They decided to have lunch with Alice. She asked them both and Hermione was so ready to see how vampires handled lunch time. 

As they both entered the cafeteria, Lyra had Winky prepare her lunch. She had seen so many American teen movies and they show cafeteria food as terrible. She was not ready to find out and decided on taking her own lunch. Hermione however decided to eat the cafeteria food. 

With her tray in hand, Lyra patiently followed behind Hermione, seeing and observing the food. She agreed on Winky's lunch. 

Turning around to find the table where Alice was, the duo walked towards them. The closer they went to the Cullens table, the louder the silence became. Until Alice smiled and pulled on both the girls wrists to hurry up and sit down. 

All of a sudden, everyone started talking at the newest development. Not even Bella sat with the Cullens on the first day. 

Alice was with Jasper but the rest of the Cullens were not present until the two girls sat. 

"Hi Queen." Jasper said as he greeted Lyra which resulted in Lyra giving a soft chuckle. 

Confusion was on Bella's face as Edward also didn't seem to mind the presence of the two new girls. 

Emmett was busy introducing himself in a goofy manner and Rosalie was looking at him and tossing some of her food on him to stop. Jasper was smiling, which was kind of weird for Bella and Alice was her enthusiastic self. 

Soon it was Bella's turn to introduce herself. 

"Hi. I'm Bella, Bella Swan." She said. 

The occlumency walls prevented both girls to react as much but they were very surprised and disgusted by the name. It reminded them both of Bellatrix. 

"Is that your full name?" Lyra asked as nonchalantly as possible. 

"It's Isabella." Bella quickly responded. 

"Can we call you Isabella instead? We already know a Bella and I think Isabella sounds better too." Hermione added. 

Lyra wanted to face palm herself. Gryffindors and their lack of subtlety.

"Sure, if that's what you like." Bella responded. She was too intimidated by Lyra's and Rosalie's joined presence. 

"Thank you. Really appreciate it." Hermione added with a warm smile that made Bella smile too. 

No sooner was that done, Lyra started eating her lunch which consisted of avocado and chicken sandwich and a chocolate milkshake. 

She was going to observe them but she wasn't planning on doing that with a hungry stomach. 


I hope I'd update sooner next time.

Its the fall season Yay! What's your favourite part about it? (For me it's the warm colour tones that surround the fall season.)

Consider following as I announce everytime I update.

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