14. Busy Day

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She started the car and they got out of there as soon as possible. "Lyra, why did you not tell me?" Hermione questioned.

"What was I supposed to say? Hey Hermione, there is a vampire who looks like Cedric."Lyra retaliated.

" Eyes on the road Lyra." Hermione said and went on a peaceful journey back to their home. 

Lyra tried not to drive back home too fast. The day was weird, some of it was fun and she knew she had an earful coming her way back home from Hermione. The slightly slow drive made her think of an excuse.

Hermione on the other hand wanted nothing more than ask for an explanation from Lyra. She wanted her to stop the car or start the interrogation right there and then, but knowing that Lyra was a fairly new driver, she knew she had to be patient.

Lyra soon realised that the Cullens were driving behind her and closing in. She wanted to press on the gas and zoom off but considering Hermione, she had to hold down her thrill for speed.

The Cullens soon drove right next to them after Lyra made way. Seeing Emmett on her left, she rolled down her window.

"You're slow." Emmett commented.

"And you can't drive." Lyra replied instantly.

"I sure can drive Ms Black." Emmett replies in a slight mock tone while saying her last name.

"I sure can go fast Mr Cullen." Lyra replies to their light hearted conversations while driving.

Hermione on the other hand was fixated to the seat of her car.

" Eyes on the road Lyra." Hermione says.

"You're no fun Hermione." Lyra complains but slows her car down and the Cullen go past her.

One thing Hermione realised was that Emmett could be a good friend to Lyra. She seemed free and seemed her age, a young girl  bantering with her friends. War taught them to enjoy the little things in life.

"I have a theory for the cure. I'm not really sure if it's even feasible but we can try it if you're up for a little experimentation." Lyra tells Hermione as she drives.

"We can try. That's all we can do. How was muggle school for you?" Hermione asked out of genuine curiosity.

"Eh. It could be better. It was fine I suppose. I don't really mind it that much. The vampires made it bearable." Lyra replied, not thinking much about it.

Hermione distracted herself by looking outside the window. She could see a small view of the beach and got an idea.

" Lyra, shall we go to the beach this weekend?" Hermione asked.

" Okay. I've never been to the beach before. It'll be exciting." Lyra said catching Hermione off guard.

"You've never been to the beach? Why?" Hermione asked.

"You know. All the disputes of who had the rights to take care of me and who was allowed to visit me and all that. It was a mess. But I did go on vacations. Just not to the beach." Lyra explained.

"I see. Well, we'll be going this weekend and I hope you have fun." Hermione said as genuinely as she could and Lyra turned her head and gave a soft smile to the Gryffindor, a smile that seldom makes a way to her face.

They eventually reached home and Lyra was about to go to her room when Hermione stopped her.

"What?" Lyra tried to play it off.

"Now that we are home, care to explain why you didn't tell me about the vampires?" Hermione questioned.

Lyra looked at her and gave out a sigh. "Vampires have excellent hearing. If I told you and they heard me, it'd be a blood bath. Or Merlin forbid, we'd have to explain ourselves to them, what we are, what we do and all that."

"Funny way your thoughts work. For me it'd be the other way round." Hermione said as the two girls washed their hands and sat down to have a small snack after school.

"It works well enough. Winky! Croissants and tea please." Lyra said and Winky apparated right there with the tea and croissants.

"Here you go Mistress Lyra and Missy Hermione." Winky said and went back in the kitchen.

"You said you had a theory." Hermione said as she delicately tore the croissant.

"Vampire and wolves cancel each other out, right? I thought why not find the main reasons why that happens. I suspect that it's more than just dominance." Lyra said as she ate her croissant.

"Now, about Edward." Hermione started but Lyra gave a sigh.

"Hermione, he is just a lookalike." Lyra said but Hermione was not accepting that reasoning.

"Just a lookalike? Lyra, is he the reason why you wanted to come to Forks so much?" Hermione asked and her voice softened towards the end.

"I- I just wanted to see him once again. Luna told me that I'll find my happiness here." Lyra said and started building up occlumency walls in her head and a calm expression settled on her face. She was not one to show weakness in front of others.

Hermione had no other thing to say. She couldn't speak anything against Luna no matter how much she wanted to tell Lyra that Luna could sometimes not make sense.

"Anyway, lots of stupid homework in my bag." Lyra said and went to her room leaving Hermione alone to her thoughts.

"Winky." Hermione whispered and Winky appeared.

"Yes Missy Hermione. How may Winky help?" Winky said and she stood in front of Hermione.

"We are going to surprise Lyra with a big dinner. It was a very tough day for her.".Hermione said and Winky nodded her head continuously.

"Missy Hermione, Winky will do that." Winky said but Hermione stopped her.

"I'm helping." Hermione said adamantly.

Hermione knew that even though it was in Lyra's nature not to show a lot of emotions, she knew that it definitely took a toll on her. She now knew the pain of losing people in life and she knew the gut wretching pain she saw when Harry came out of the forest, pretending to be dead.

It seemed real to her and she had been terrified with the sight. Now having a little insight in the situation, this was the first time Hermione felt truly sad  for Lyra.


Hello There sweethearts,

First of all, my second anniversary on Wattpad was this Valentines Day so take this chapter as a gift for the immense love and support I have received.

Second of all, I am extremely busy at times so I can't schedule the release of new chapters. I however, am trying to write whenever possible.

Third of the list, This book had reached 22K reads which is amazing. I never expected this many outcomes. So thank you so much.

Question of the chapter: What's your Hogwarts House? (I'm a Slytherin. Just realised, I never thought about this.)

Stay safe, happy and well.

Tiredly happy,

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