The preparation

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Hermione and Lyra prepared themselves for the big and bold move. Sirius had asked them why they picked America and they replied saying that Britain was well Britain, Lyra had bad memories in Asia, Hermione's parents died in Australia and the weren't going to move to Africa, Arctic or Antarctica due to the intense weather differences (duh!) so America became their choice. Sirius didn't ask further. Remus was proud of the two girls deduction and Harry just went along with the flow. He was training to be an auror. Sirius was pleased with how things were unfolding in his family. Plus he wasn't like the other pureblood families, setting up marriage contracts and stuff. Remus was sure that Harry, Sirius and he himself included would scare any potential suitors for both Hermione and Lyra. So yes, life was good. 

Sirius and Remus did all the paperwork for the two girls. Hermione, however took charge of the muggle paperwork with Remus. Sirius suited his fancy and along with Lyra's choice, he bought a house for the two girls. Hermione didn't know how the house looked like and the father-daughter duo wouldn't tell her anything about how it looked which made Hermione a bit nervous. In all honesty, the Blacks were a very, very, very wealthy family. Plus with Lyra's inheritance from her mother, whose family were also like the Blacks, pureblood and rich, they could do anything to suit their fancy. Hermione and Lyra signed up with the American Magical Ministry, who were too pleased with the two witches / war heriones that they oversaw everything for their swift and smooth shift. Atleast, there were perks for being a war hero sometimes. 

Lyra and Hermione had previously learned how to drive a car and ride a bike. So going for magical to muggle travel was not very hard. Hermione had also received piles upon piles of gold from the vault of death eaters and her inheritance from the will of her dead parents. All war heroes received the Award of Merlin, First Class and also gold as compensation for their war efforts. Hermione, Harry,Neville and Ron among others received more than the rest because they were more scarred, tortured and had lost a lot more than the other people. Ron had grown up after the war and was more mature. Hermione wanted normal. She craved for it, even for a short while. Hence, she couldn't wait to go out for some relaxation. 

Hermione and Lyra were preparing themselves for the muggle studies. Sirius had hired muggle teachers to teach the two girls  and it worked wonders as Hermione and Lyra were responsible enough to go through the basics themselves, the tutors taught them more advanced stuff. Being brilliant, the two girls caught up with every subject. They knew that Chemistry was somewhat similar to potions and mathematics was similar to arithmancy. It just broadened their knowledge and some of the theories were starting to appeal a lot to the two girls. They could use some of those in their research. Lyra also took the liberty to go shopping with Hermione in muggle London. It wasn't as dreadful as Hermione expected. It was actually really normal and calming. They joked, laughed and shopped together for nearly the whole day. At the end of the day, they were exhausted but happy much to the joy of their family. Caught up in all the prepping, they forgot to mention their plan to the Weasleys and their friends. 

Dinner at Grimmauld's place with their family and friends~

The dinner was a jolly affair. Everyone was joking around and talking happily. The dinner itself was being prepared by Molly Weasley with the help of house elves. Harry was in a conversation with Ron, Neville, Ginny and Luna. Hermione found herself with Nymphadora Tonks and Fleur Weasley née Delacour. Hermione told them about the 'plan' and both the ladies gave her their thumbs up. They discussed a bit more with an occasional question here and there. Lyra was literally dragged by the Weasley twins when she was about to enter the kitchen. 

"What are the two of you upto?" Lyra asked rearranging her clothes after the twins dragged her to the fireplace sofa.

 "We have a new product-" Fred started. 

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