16.Sparkle Talk

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Previously ~
Jacob was doubtful for a second. He was sure he'd have lost his footing or something. He sure as hell was happy Bella wasn't there. Though that would be impossible but still, that girl keeps tripping.

"Good night forest and its creatures." Lyra announced and went back inside.

Holding their breaths, Jacob and Sam moved back to the Reserve. They left the place with more questions than answers.

"Weird girl." Jacob muttered and Sam agreed. Relaying it to the Pack, there was more confusion then before.

Somehow, Lyra made friends with the silent Jasper. To top it all, it was an odd mix. jasper and Lyra's friendship meant the rest of the Cullen had to interact with both the girls. Hermione, having fought vampires in the final battle would be on edge all the time.

Jasper, funnily enough had his guard down around Lyra and so did she. Both were extremely paranoid and really picky.

The Major and the witch had the uncanny habit to talk in really soft voices and exchange thoughts through books.

Alice had no problem with this and would end sit and talk with Hermione about fashion and tips. Lyra smirked because now, Hermione's clothes shopping would be done by Alice.

One day Jasper asked Lyra a question.
"Would you like to come to my home? I believe you would like the book collection I have on battle strategies."

That certainly caught Hermione's attention as well as Lyra's. Alice too looked at Jasper with a small knowing smile.

Lyra took a second to register the question. Looking at Jasper she replied, "Are you positively sure about  inviting me to your home?"

"Yes, I am. That invitation extends to Hermione as well. After all, we are friends. Are we not?" Jasper replied.
Friends. The word echoed inside Lyra's head. "I would love to. I think Hermione will also enjoy it. It seems like your family is the only one at present who treats us like humans." Lyra replied.

"It goes both ways." Jasper replied with a smile.

Oddly enough, Lyra didn't have her guard up around them. she also knew that if they tried to do anything to her or Hermione, they were strong enough to take them down. 

Edward however found Lyra's silver eyes too piercing for his liking. The human was too eccentric for his taste. She looked like she knew everyone's secret. She also had the odd habit to think so deep she would space out but she was still so aware of her surroundings. The nonchalant way she walks that looks so graceful but a closer and deep look into it and you realise she walks in full awareness. She was an enigma and yet so open. Though not possible, the thought gave him the feeling of a headache.

Jasper looked at Edward oddly. He was feeling frustration and confusion radiating from his brother by the ton and he wasn't too keen on where this was leading. It was enough that he was torturing him by bringing a human but judging his friends was a notch too high for someone like him.

Bothered by the silence, Hermione asked Alice if she could tell a little about her family. Happy to speak Alice went on great length on each of their fashion sense and why she was such a great stylist. 

"Your mother is an amazing stylist as well. If I'm not wrong, she designed our home." Lyra interjected.

"Of course she is. Like daughter, like mother." Alice chirped. 

"I don't think it works like that." Edward replied to his sister who threw a piece of orange at him.

Enjoying the banter, Lyra started to think. What if, she could have what she couldn't have back home. She eliminated the thought as soon as it came to her mind. 'Not the time.' She told herself.

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