Chapter 45

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It was now the evening and they were all getting ready to go out to this club. They hadn't been out to a club for while so they decided to go.

Y/n was putting on her dress and realised that she looked a little bloated. She had been feeling tired recently and had started breaking out.

That's when she realised.

"Hey guys, I'll be back in 5 minutes. I'm quickly going to the convenience store!" She shouted through the house. Before anyone had anytime to respond she left and went to her car and made her way to the store.

She put on her mask and cap, and made her way in the store. She got to the aisle she needed. She was looking at all the different kinds they had. It was all overwhelming for her.

I can't be, surely she thought to herself.

She picked up a couple of different kinds just incase and she wanted to check again.

She paid for her items and left the store. When she got back she quickly ran through the house and ran to her bathroom.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked whilst walking past.

"Yeah I'm fine" she quickly answered and shut the bathroom door.

Luckily she had to pee. She took one out of the packaging. A pregnancy test.

She read the instruction and did what it said. Now she was just waiting. She didn't know if Hyunjin would be mad at her. She was on Birth control, it didn't make any sense.

3 minute was up and she looked at the screen on the test.

- - - - -

They arrived at the club. They all looked amazing. They were getting stares from everyone around them. Momo had came with them.

"I'm glad you are both finally together" Y/n squealed to Momo who was looking over to Changbin.

Mina laughed at the boys who were dancing. There was Changbin, Han and Chan. The other boys were just having a conversation between themselves.

"Oh no. Why did we let them dance?" Y/n laughed.

"I don't know but never let them do that again" Momo was laughing at their dancing.

"Here you go Y/n" Hyunjin passed her a red wine.

"Sorry Hyunjin I don't feel like drinking tonight. Can I have a coke instead please?"

"Yeah of course. Are you feeling okay?" Hyunjin felt her forehead.

"I'm fine Jinnie honestly. Thank you" she laughed at him.

"Y/n what's wrong. You never turn down a drink" Momo asked concerned.

Y/n subconsciously placed her hand on her belly. Momo looked down and realised.

"No way!" She shouted.

"Shhh" Y/n tried to make her be quiet.

"Guys we'll be back in a second. We're just going to the toilet" Momo said, dragging Y/n behind her.

They entered the bathroom.

"How far along are you?" Momo asked.

"The test said about 3 months. I only found out this evening" Y/n answered.

"You haven't told anyone yet?" Momo asked.

"No I'm going to tell Hyunjin when we get home. We were in a rush earlier and I didn't know how to" Y/n asked.

"It's okay Y/n. You've got everyone around you to support you guys. Hyunjin's going to be so happy!" Momo squealed.

"I know. I just wasn't expecting it at all because I'm on birth control. We both want kids but we were planning on having them in the future but not yet" she said.

"I guess it's not always effective.  Congratulations Y/n. I'm so happy for you both!"

"Thank you Momo!" They hugged each other and made there way back out.

Ooooo there going to have a baby 🥺🥺

Long lost brother (mafia/gang)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang