Mom at 17..chapter 6

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Okay....first of I AM SOOOOOO SORRY for not updating in like forever...I'm not even going to give you guys an excuse for my lack of update....I'm just gonna say sorry and i hope you guys didn't give up on me...or are mad at me....hmm sooo yeah this is kinda short but i really promise like really really promise i'll make the next chap longer...and gonna update more frequently...

okay so enjoy and sorrry comment? kkay?


After class, I went over to my locker to put my books away and wait for Blaze. The halls were empty, except for a few students dropping off there books at their lockers before heading off to the cafeteria, and some juniors and seniors going off campus for lunch. Freshmen and sophmores weren't allowed to go off campus.

I heard someoen giggle that sounded familiar from somewhere but I don't remember from where. When I turned around, I suddenly wished I'd told Blaze to meet me at the cafeteria instead of at my locker.

Coming towards my way was none other than Jesse with an arm around Aimee's waist. Jesse looked up the moment I turned to them and froze. Aimee, confused, looked over at me and then back at Jesse. A wave of understanding replaced the confusion and she glared at me. The glare she was giving me would've made me look away but i wasn't paying attention to her, because at that moment Jesse was giving me a glare that made Aimee's look like a friendly smile.

In the 13 years that i've known Jesse, he's never given me a look of pure hatred so strong that made my heart break in so many peices and made me feel guilty enough to tell him about Nika. I wanted so badly to cry and I would've if Blaze hadn't shown up at that moment.

"Hey," He said from behind me, oblivous of the fact that he just saved me from making a fool of myself in front of Aimee and especially Jesse.

I blinked and looked up to keep away the tears that would've poured out if Blaze hadn't come. Forcing a smile on my face, I turned to him.

"Hi," i replied quitely.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

Before i could reply, Aimee and Jesse walked passed us and Jesse looked back at me with the same glare but there was also a hint of another emotion i couldn't pinpoint. It wasthe same one that he had on when Jesse and I had entered the classroom late together.

They walked out hand in hand and i couldn't help but feel envious towards Aimee. That used to be me with Jesse. I ignored the urged to run after him and tell him all about Nika, as the doors closed behind them.

"Leigh?" said Blaze pulling me out of my thoughts.


"You ok?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.

I nodded. "Yeah, just...Let's just go."

"K. Do you want to stay here for lunch or want to go out somewhere?"

i thought about it for a moment. If we stay here, Lexi will probably ask me about Jesse and she'll probably figure out what happend. I didn't really feel like facing her just yet and hearing her "He deserves to know" speech.

"I'd prefer to go out somewhere if that's ok with you." I told Blaze.

"It's cool with me, and besides the food they serve here...." he didn't finish, instead he made a face like that of a little kid whose mom made him eat brussel sprouts.

I laughed and he smiled at me. He then folded his arm and looked at me. "Shall we?"

"We shall." i smiled and placed my arm through his.

We walked out to the parking lot and Blaze led me to a blue 1968 camaro.

"Leigh, meet my baby, Christy." He said grinning proudly.

I laughed. "What is up with every guy naming there cars and treating them like a living thing?" i wondered out load.

Blaze feigned offended. "Shh....careful you'll hurt her feelings. Christy is not just a car, she happens to be my best friend. Or one of them anyways."

Shaking my head, I grinned. "Ok, I'm sorry Christy."

"You know she can't actually hear you right?" Blaze teased and I punched his shoulders playfully.

He reached into his pocket and took out the keys before inserting it on the keyhole. He opened the door and motioned for me to go in.

"Here ya go m'lady." He grinned.

"I love how we just met but we act like we've known each other for soo long now." I replied.

He laughed. "I know what you mean."

I was about to go in when a movement in one of the cars parked 5 spaces away from us caught my eye. Two figures were having a heated make out session inside the car and when I squinted to see who was inside i gasped.


Yeah i know short..but hey its somehting right? tell me what you think? please?

Mom at SeventeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora