Mom at Seventeen Chapter 4

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ok so Chapter 4((: Sorry it's short.

I walked into room B2 and the whole class fell silent as they stared at me. Mr. White was in the middle of the classroom teaching something until I interrupted. Ignoring all the stares from everyone, I walked over to Mr. White.

"Hi, um I'm Leighton Reese. I'm kinda new here." I told him.

"Oh Ms. Reese. Ok well welcome to my class. I'm Mr. Brown, and I'll be your English teacher for the entire year." he said smiling at me.

Not knowing what else to say, I just nodded and smiled back.

"Well, you may take your seat," he looked around the classroom then pointed somewhere at the back. "There, next to Mr. Reid."

I almost dropped my books when he said that. I didn't dare look to where he was pointing at. Arguing with Mr. White to put me in a different spot would probably just make things worse so I just sighed and walked down the aisle to the back of the class. I kept my head down but I could feel his eyes on me, which made me really nervous and uncomfortable.

I got to my seat and sat down, not looking to my right where I know Jesse was looking at me. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I quietly took it out, being careful not to let Mr. White see me. There was a message from Shaine.

'We're fine. I just got her back to sleep((: how cool is that? I can finally say I've gotten a to baby sleep.'

I shook my head, smiling and put my phone away after sending him a text saying 'Aha, good. Well text me or call if anything comes up.'

"You should pay attention more instead of texting your boyfriend in class. Especially since you moved here during the middle of the school year." Jesse whispered to me.

Oh my god. What the fuck was his problem? I turned to him and gave him one of my best glares.

"Ok first of all, he's not my boyfriend. It's Shaine, you know Lexi's brother? And practically mine too. And second what the fuck is you problem?" I whispered to him harshly.

He glared back at me. "You really want me to answer that?"

I was about to say yes when I thought better of it. "No, forget it. Just leave me alone."

"Gladly." he said and faced the teacher without another word.


Well that hurt. I mean what'd I ever do to him? Wait, stupid question. I left him. But he can't still be mad at me can he? I mean he's moved on, and why should he be mad? He was sucking faces with Aimee just minutes ago. Oh well whatever. I'm not even going to bother with him.

I took out my notebook and took notes of what Mr. White was writing on the board. The rest of the class went by smoothly but uncomfortably. Jesse kept glancing at me and then he would glare when I look at him. What the hell is his problem?

When the bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and was one of the last ones to leave. I looked at my schedule to see that I had AP Physics next with Mrs. Jones. I pushed my through the crowded hallway and made my way to my locker. I exchange my books and then walked down the hallway trying to find room E10. The E wing was the only wing I didn't really know since I hadn't had any classes there before.

"Ooof," I mumbled as I fell into the floor. I hadn't been looking at where I as going and had bumped into someone. My books fell and clattered around me.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." A deep voice said and bent down next to me.

It took all of me not to gasp when I looked up and saw who it was.


-Again sorry it's short but I'll make up for it on the next chapter and make sure it's longer. Comment, vote and message please? Thanks for all of those who voted and commented on the last one by the way((: anyways, just tell me if you liked it or not and stuff and ways to make it better, thanks again((:-

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