Mom at 17, and I love my baby...Ch 9

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After two days in the hospital, the doctors finally released Nika and we were able to go home. I have missed the last two days of school since I refused to leave Nika behind. Blaze has been bringing me my homeworks though and turning them in for me so they were on time. 

"You ready?" Shaine asked who was by the door holding mine and Nika's bag. 

I nodded, cradling Nika in my arms, and followed Shaine out into the hallway.

"I'm glad she's finally ok." Shaine let out a big sigh of relief as we stepped into the elevator.

"Yeah, she's strong." I smiled down at my baby. 

Shaine watched me curiously for a moment. 

I stared back at him. "What?" I asked suddenly feeling self concious.

"Have you decided telling Jesse yet?" he asked me.

Oh god. He just had to bring that up didn't he? I look down at my daughter and sighed. 


"Well then you better make sure you hide her tonight in her room 'cause he's most likely going to be at the building tonight." Shaine said, mumbling most parts but i heard him clearly.

I snapped my head at him, looking bewildered. "What?!" 

The elevator doors slid open and we walked out but I was still looking at Shaine. 

"Shaine, what do you mean he's gonna be there tonight?" I asked him again when we reached the car and i got Nika in her carseat.

Shaine opened my door and I went in and he went to his side and got in.

I crossed my arms and looked at him with a "tell me now, or I'm goign to kill you" expression on my face. 

He sighed. "Well, you know Bradley? Next door neighbor?" I nodded. "He's throwing a party tonight and invited the whole senior class this year and from last year." 

"Ughh, what? That means loud music and a lot of people and a lot of talking all night. NIka would never be able to get sleep." 

"It's fine, Melissa is-" 

I gave him a confused look. "Who's Melissa?"

"Oh yeah, we haven't introduced her to you yet. She's Clayton's girlfriend and kind of like our big sister now." 

"Oh ok, well go on."

"Well Clayton and I talked to her and she's ok with you and Nika staying over at her place tonight."

Awe, that's sweet of her. 

"Oh, well that's nice of her. Is Lexi going with us?" 

"I don't really know, but Clayton will be." He said.

"Oh, ok." 

We spent the rest of the way home in a comfortable silence listening to Panic at the Disco. I love them. 


 It was 6 and students were already arriving in huge groups. I got Veronika's clothes and milk ready and then packed my clothes. 

"Shaine!" I yelled downstairs. 

"What?" He yelled back. 

"I need you to come help me with the bags." 

Even though he was all the way downstairs, I could hear him groan. 

"Do I have to?" He mumbled, yelled. "Why can't Clayton do it?" 

I was about to answer when Clayton did it for me. "Coz I"m holding Nika, you lazy dimwit" 

I heard Shaine huff,  and then footsteps going up the stairs. "You didn't have to call me names."

Clayton and Melissa laughed from the other room and I joined in. Shaine walked into the room looking upset and I gave him a big smile. All i got back was a glare and I covered my mouth to keep from laughing more.

I followed Shaine downstairs carrying Nika's stuff while he carried mine. Just as I stepped off the last step, the door opened and in came a bewildered looking Lexi. 

"Hide Nika. Now!" She yelled pressing her back against the door like she was keeping someone from coming in.

I gave her a confused look. "Why?" 

"Cause, Josh, my boyfriend, he's coming for the party and he decided to give Jesse a ride and they're about to walk in here cause i couldn't convinced him to just go ahead and Jesse said he wanted to see Shaine and Clayton and say hi." She said really fast all in one breath.

Before she even finished i had already started panicking. Before I could yell out to Clayton and go upstairs, someone pushed the door opened and Lexi stumbled forward.

I looked over and saw Jesse and Josh standing in the doorway. 


"Hey, I think Nika's-" Clayton started saying and I quickly ran upstairs and pushed him into his room before he could finish his sentence.

"Whoa there." Clayton said and Melissa had the same expression as Clayton did. Surprised. 

"Jesse is downstairs." I explained and looked over at Melissa who was cradling Veronika. 

"What? why?" Clayton asked. 

"Josh brought him and he wanted to say hi to you and Shaine." 

Clayton sighed. "Ok, um I'll go downstairs and go say hi but stay here and don't go down. But I don't think we will be able to sneak you guys out now without someone noticing and telling Jesse." 

My heart sank as I realized he was right. "We still have to try." I said.

Melissa and Clayton exchanged glances and gave me a look of pity but they nodded anyways.

Clayton went out of the room and Melissa and I waited patiently. 

After about like fie minutes, he came back.

"What happend?" I asked.

"They haven't left yet." He looked at nika and then at me. "Lexi talked to me and she said that she thinks you need to tell Jesse now." 

I just stared at him. 

I can't. Not now. 


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