Mom at seventeen Chapter 7.

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After the shock passed by, I had to contain myself from laughing as I watched the girl crawling over the seat, without breaking the intense make out session they were having, and stradling the guy who had his hands all over her.

Blaze followed my gaze to the two figures in the car and chuckled. "Well, someone's getting a little busy."

I laughed and playfully hit his shoulder. He kept watching the two people and i had to hit his shoulder again.

"Ow," Blaze rubbed his hand and playfully glared at me. "what was that for?"

"Stop watching," I replied. "This isn't some free live porn show."

He laughed and then shook his head. "I know, but damn the girl looks like she's about ready to rip out his clothes."

I laughed. "Shut up. That's my best friend you're talking about."

He looked at me with horror stricken expression and then back at the car Lexi was in. "She's your best firend?"

"Uhuh," I looked at him crossing my arms. "Something wrong with that?"

Blaze shook his head. "Nah," Then he suddenly grinned at me and i gave him a questioning look. "Hmm, is there any chance you're that wild?"

My mouth formed an O and my eyes widened. "What the fuck? Hell NO."

He put his hands up by his head and backed up. "Whoa, whoa. I was just kidding."

"We're best friends, but we're very different in a lot of ways." I shrugged taking one last look at where Lexi and the guy. They look like they were about ready to rip each other's clothes out.

She was so not going to hear the end of this for awhile. I laughed at the thought and Blaze gave me a questioning look.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head. "So, are we still going out to eat or not?"

"Oh yeah, let's go." Blaze opened the door for me and grabbed my bag.

I got in and he closed the door and was jumping into the drivers seat after a moment. He placed my bag in the back seat adn then we were off.


After a few moments of comfortable silence I decided to turn the radio on and grinned when IDGAF by BOTDF came on.

"Oh my gosh, I love this song." I squeeled. "It's my favorite song by them."

Blaze laughed. "Seriously? I do too. That's awesome."

"This is another thing Lexi and I don't have in common. I love Blood on the Dance Floor and she thinks they sing a bunch of shit, Which is soo not true."

"Yeah, i know. Like I know alot of people who hate their songs and it's stupid."

I laughed. "Yeah, I know."

We shook our heads along with the beat of the song and to the rest of the other songs by them until we got to Subway. I love Subway.

Blaze got out and came around to my side. "M'lady." He said putting out his hand when he opened the door.

I shook my head and grinned up at him. "Thank you sir."

"A pleasure." He closed the door behind me adn then locked it.

We started walking and I smiled when he didn't let go of my hands.


What can I get for you today?" The girl behind the counter asked. It said Cindy on her nametag.

"We'll take two foot long, both sour dough. One teriyaki beef chicken and one oven roasted turkey breast." Blaze answered.

"Ok, what kind of cheese?"

Blaze looked at me. "Cheddar on mine." I replied.

"Cheddar for the turkey breast one and Monterey on the teriyaki."

"And do you want to heat both?" Cindy asked getting our sandwiches ready.

"Sure, thanks."

After a few minutes, our sanwiches were done heating and we told her what we wanted on them. Blaze paid, after about five minutes of us arguing about who was paying. He ordered two Dr. Pepper and then we went to find a seat.

I was about to take a bite of my sanwhich when two things happend at the same time.

First, my phone started ringing.

Second, an all too familiar voice behind me said my name.


Kinda short, but tell me what you think? COmment, Vote, Fan.

thanks, adn loveyou guys.


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