Mom at Seventeen 16

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So hey there! Hmm so sorry for the long wait and yes i am continuing and finishing this story. 


**Jesse's POV**

I cursed at myself as I ran away from Leigh. I didn't want to leave her there but Aimee had called crying and threatening to hurt herself and our supposed baby if I didn't take responsibility and if i stayed mad at her.

Even though I was sure that the baby, if there even is one, isn't mine i couldn't take that kind of chance wether the baby be mine or not. I couldn't let Aimee hurt herself and the baby over me. 

It killed me to leave Leigh but I had to go make sure Aimee didn't do anything stupid. 

As I neared her house i slowed my pace down to catch my breath. I went up the steps and knocked on the door. 

A moment later I heard rustling inside and Aimee opened the door. When she saw me her face brightened up and she smiled at me. 

"Jesse!" She cried throwing her arms around my neck. "I knew you'd come."

I looked at her grimly. "You threatened to kill yourself and the baby."

Her smile faltered for a second. "Oh, yeah um, here come in. We need to talk."

I just nodded and followed her inside after she let go of me. For awhile we just sat there on her couch in silence. 

She was biting her lip and wringing her hands looking up at me every once in a while. I knew she wanted to say something but she just didn't know how to so I spoke up first. 

"Aimee, be honest with me. Are you really pregnant?" I asked her the question that I've been wanting to ask since she told me she was pregnant.

She looked at me bewildered. "Of course I am. I'm not going to lie about something like that."

"Why would you threaten to hurt yourself and the baby?" 

Aimee looked back down at her hands guiltily. "Because I knew you wouldn't come if I asked you to so decided to make you think that so you'd come."

I balled my hands into fists. I'm not going to hit her if that's what you're thinking. It's just a reaction I have when I get mad. 

"That's a horrible way to get someone to come to you." I told her angrily.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry but I didn't know any other way to get you here." She said getting up and coming to sit next to me. "And don't even tell me that "Jesse can you come over?" would've worked coz I know it wouldn't have."

I stayed quite. She was right. I had been with Leigh and Aims and I had gotten in a fight earlier so If she had asked me I wouldn't have gone. 

We stayed quite for awhile again, before she spoke up. 

"Do you still lo-- " She hesitated. "like her?"

I looked at her confused. "Who?"

"That girl that we ran into at lunch on Monday. Leigh or something like that. Do you still like her?"

I just stared at her, not sure on wether how to react. "What do yo mean?"

Aimee gave out an exasperated sigh. "Jesse you know what I mean. I know you were with her before. And ever since she got back you've been acting different. You're quiter than you usually are, if that's even possible and I see the way you look at her when she's around. You've never looked at me or anyone else that way. You try to make it seem as if your mad at her but when you think no ones paying attention you look at her with this look that says you love her so much." 

Mom at SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now