Mom at Seventeen Chapter 3

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Third part...please vote, comment and messag...i really want to know waht youu guys think..thanks((:

I woke up to the sound of Nika crying. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 6:05 still had an hour or so to get Nika back to sleep and get ready for school. I went over to the little table where I kept her bottles and stuff and made her milk since I don't breastfeed her, and then made my way to her crib and smiled down at her before picking her up. She immediately stopped crying.

"Morning sweetheart." I cooed kissing her forehead. I walked over to the rocking chair thing and sat down.

I put the nipple close to her mouth and she instantly put it on her mouth. She finished the bottle about 20 minutes later and I laid her on her crib again. The clock read 6:25. Prefect. I got ready for school and by the time I had showered, dressed, and fix myself it was 7:20. Nika was still sleeping so I to the kitchen to find Shaine, Lexi and Clayton all up. Lexi was making eggs and bacon as Shaine and Clayton waited on the table.

"Hey babe, morning." Shaine grinned at me.

I went over to him and messed his hair. "Morning to you too." I'd gotten used to him calling me babe, and other little nicknames.

"How was your sleep? Did Nika keep you up?" Clayton asked.

"Nah," I shook my head taking a seat next to him. "my sleep was fine and Nika wasn't too bad."

"That's good. So are you really ok with Shaine sitting Nika?"

"Hey," Shaine yelled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You really want me to answer that?" Clayton asked and we, including Lexi, laughed at Shaine.

"Whatever." he said and started on his eggs as Lexi set them in front of him.

"I wrote down everything you need to know, from feeding her and what time and when she sleeps." I told Shaine as I ate my breakfast.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." he said flicking his hand to me.

I gave him glare and he stopped eating. "Shaine, I'm serious here. Make sure to feed her at the right time and also please be careful with her."

He gave me a disbelieving look. "Do you really not trust me with her that much? I'm not going to hurt my little niece you know."

I smiled. "I know that, it's just that this will be the first time I'll be leaving her."

"Well don't worry so much, I'll take good care of her. Promise."

"Okay, well I guess we better get going. Don't want to be late on the first day back." I said getting up.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you in the car Leigh," Lexi said going out the door already.

I nodded and made my way upstairs to our bedroom and over to Nika's crib. I picked her sleeping figure up and kissed her forehead.

"Bye sweetie, mommy has to go to school today. But I'll be back soon okay?" I said and kissed her on the forehead again before putting her back down.

I grabbed my stuff and jogged down to the car, saying bye to the guys on the way. I got into the car and Lexi drove out of the driveway.

We were halfway to school, singing along to Remembering Sunday by All Time Low when a thought popped up in my head.

"Oh my god, Lex what am I going to do when I see Jesse?" I asked her, panicking.

"Well first off, like I said you need to tell him about Nika." she said calmly. "Then you need to introduce them."

"Yeah, just go up to him and go 'Oh hey Jesse long time no see. Oh yeah by the way, you have a daughter.' Lex come on, he probably hates me."

She just Shrugged her shoulders. "Doesn't matter. You still need to tell him. And you know what I mean by that. Just say you need to talk and that it's important then tell him."

Right, he'll probably just ignore me or something when he sees me. I'm pretty sure he probably moved on to someone else. Wait. Oh my god, what if he did?

"Lex, does Jesse already have a new girlfriend." I asked as we pulled into the school's parking lot.

She didn't answer for a long moment which made me worry. But why should I care? I mean I'm the one who left him. So what if he moved on? He had the right to.

"I' m not going to answer that." Lexi said as she pulled into an open spot.

I frowned. "Fine. But he probably does huh?"

She ignored me and got out of the car after turning the ignition off. Well then. I grabbed my bag and jump out of the car too, closing the door. Lexi locked her car then we were off.

"So you want me to come with you to get your schedule?" Lexi asked.

I shook my head. "Nah, it's fine. I can manage."

"Ok, I'll see you later then." she said jogging off to the school doors as I made my way to the front office. I noticed some familiar faces as I waked around and some even recognized me and said hi.

The office hadn't changed much that I remember. The only thing different was the secretary. Ms. Welch was replaced by a young woman, I'm guessing in her mid 20's who's name was Mrs. Miller. She gave me my schedule and locker combination.

I had English first period with Mr. White. I decided to go find my locker first and walked down the hallway. I was just walking when I heard voices coming from just around the corner.

".....we have to get to class, Aims." A familiar voice was saying.

I peeked around and almost dropped my books and schedule paper. Pressed up against one of the lockers was none other than Jesse. And pressing against him was Aimee. The queen bee of this school and head cheer captain. Also the biggest whore in this school.

"Class can wait," Aimee said seductively as she nibbled on Jesse's ear. I wanted to throw up at the sight.

Jesse kissed her before gently pushing her away. "Seriously Aimee, we gotta go."

Aimee frowned and pushed away from Jesse. "Fine. But you're still coming over after school right?"

Jesse nodded and she smiled. Then they walked off down the hallway together. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I felt kind of jealous. I mean sure I left, but that doesn't mean I don't love him anymore. I still did.

I shook the sad thought of my head and took my cell out of my pocket.

'Hey, how you guys doing? Everything ok?' I texted Shaine.

Clearing my mind of what I just witnessed, I walked down the hallway and found my locker. I put all my books for my other classes and took what I needed for English. I quickly went up the stairs and jogged to my English class. I was only about two minutes late. Not really a good start on my first day back but oh well.

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