Mom at Seventeen Chapter 18

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First of all I would like to thank all of you guys for supporting this story and for all you who are still loving this and wanting to read it. That is just amazing and I can't believe that so many of you are still reading even if I have been so horrible at updating and what not. Thank you so much!

Leigh's POV

 "Why'd you take me here?" I asked Jesse and turned my body to face him.

He look at me with pleading eyes. "We need to talk, and I thought it'd be perfect to talk here. No ones here." 

"Fine." I mumbled and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "What do you want to talk about."

He was quite for awhile, trying to think of how to start Im guessing. 

"I'm not the dad." Jesse finally said after a few minutes. 

My head snapped to his direction. "What?" I asked totally confused. 

"Aimee's baby." He replied looking at me. "It's not mine."

I scoffed. "Yeah, ok like I'll believe that." 

"Leigh," Jesse turned his whole body so that he was facing me. "I'm telling you the truth. It's not mine and Aimee even confessed to it."

For some reason this was really making me mad. If it isn't his baby then that means Aimee cheated on him, but why is he still with her? And why is it that he hasn't done anything about the rumor going around saying his the dad? He's stepping up to be the dad of Aimee's child whose not really his but he won't for Nika?

I guess the last part was kind of my fault anyways, seeing as I've been kind of ignoring him lately so he can't really come to Nika but he could've at least tried to come and see her. 

"I don't understand. If it's not yours, why are you letting people say that it is?" I asked, purposely avoiding looking at him. 

"Because, Aimee.." He sighed. "I can't let her do anything to the baby."

I was confused. "What do you mean?" 

"It's not my baby, but the real dad," He paused for a second, deciding how to finish his sentence. "Aimee's just scared to tell the guy, something about him possibly not accepting the baby and leaving her." 

I fell quite. Her situation right now and the way she's feeling, I understood completely. That's exactly how I felt with Jesse finding out about Nika when we came back here. 

"Oh," I said turning my gaze to the front. "I guess I understand what she's going through." 

Jesse sighed before I felt him fingertips on my chin turning my head to face him. "I wouldn't have left you and Nika. I would have been there for both of you, and I really wish you would've let me. I still am  here for you both." 

His gold speckled gray eyes looked deeply into my own forrest green ones and I could see the sincerety in his words. 

"I honestly don't want Nika growing up without her Dad." I said, almost in a whisper.

"And she's not going to." Jesse said removing his hand from my chin only to take hold of my hands. "I'm always always here for her and I want so badly to be part of her life, so please stop pushing me away." 

When I looked into his eyes all I saw was pure sincerety and love. "I'm not pushing you away from her. I just don't want you to get your hopes up about us. I would absolutely love for you and NIka to get close. " I replied taking my hands back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2012 ⏰

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