Mom at seventeen.....chapter 5((:

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I think he probably has the prettiest deep blue eyes I've ever seen. I mean Jesse's gold speckled gray eyes were the most magnificent eyes I've ever seen, but this guys eyes was the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen as someone's eye color. It was like the sky during a clear sunny day, but a shade darker. His eyes like stood out. His raven black hair was covering half of his right eye and he had spider bites. He wasn't gorgeous greek-god type like Jesse, but he was gorgeous.

"Are you ok?" The guy asked, worry clear in his voice.

I nodded, not capable of speaking due to shock. I can't believe this. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now and he probably also thinks I like him or something.

"I'm so sorry again, I should've paid more attention on where I was going." he said gathering my books up.

I shook my head, to clear my head and as an answer to him. "No," I finally found my voice. "That's fine. I wasn't looking at where I was going either. So it's fine. Really."

He stood up and offered his right hand to me. I placed my hand in his and he gently pulled me up.

"So what's your name?" He asked. "I'm guessing your new because I haven't seen you around before."

I nodded. "My name's Leighton but my friends call me Leigh. And yeah, today's my first day here. Well, technically."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I used to go here but I moved away for a year and now I'm back." I explained.

"Oh ok." he said, understanding.

"Mhm, wait so I never seen you before last year. Are you new here too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I moved here at the beginning of the year."

"Oh, that's cool." I said. "So what's your name?"


It was now my turn to raise my eyebrow. I mean I loved that name but I've never met anyone named that.

He just shook his head. "My mom is crazy, I love her but she's crazy. She said that was the first thing she thought of when they were thinking of names for me and she liked it."

I nodded. "Oh ok. I like it though. It's unique."

Blaze smiled at me. "Yeah?"


"Thanks." he looked at my books, which were still in his hands. "So um, I think I should get you to class now. Don't want to be late on the first day."

"Oh my gosh. I forgot." How could I forget? "I guess I'll just see you around then?"

He looked at my schedule, which was on top of my books and smiled. And boy did he have a very cute smile. "Or we can just walk together since we have the same class next anyways."


"Yup, I have AP Physics with Jones next too."

"Cool, we'll I guess we should get going now then." I said awkwardly, looking at my feet.

He laughed. "Yep, come on."

I reached for my books but he pulled it out of my reach and smiled. "I'll carry it for you."

I blushed. "Thanks."

After that we made our way down the hall to the E wing. I asked him where he used to live and it turns out that he lived in Canada. I told him I did too and I found out one of the people I met there, whom I considered a best friend, was his cousin. But he lived in a town which was at least an hour away from where I stayed at with my cousin who was dating his cousin. Aha. Crazy.

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