Chapter 24: Aftermath

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's been a hot minute, but my inspiration for this book has been a little sucked out of me. However, we're at the end! It has been a long journey, but thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story. Please leave your comments because they make my day! Without further ado, enjoy!

I woke up in a huge warm bed, being held by a giant of a man. The sunlight cascaded through the curtains, showing the light of a new day. Finally, I was out of the woods. Well not literally, because the Pack House was still in the woods.

My body ached terribly, and it hurt to move, but thankfully I didn't want to move. Eric was very protective of me last night, and carried me back here. I think he still felt bad about being forced to attack me.

Smitty had to literally drag Étienne away from Pollyanna last night, it was heartbreaking. A week ago his two best friends were Angie and Pollyanna, then in the matter of seconds both of them were killed.

The witches from the Coven and the werewolves from the Pack all returned back to their homes now that the fight was over. Both sides had a new appreciation for each other after seeing the different abilities. A new era for the paranormal beings of Kingsdale is on the horizon.

Michael decided to take Ilya back to his house, finally getting to sleep in his own bed for a change. I think Michael just wants Ilya to be able to have a normal life, something that Michael wants but can probably never have.

I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and wincing at the slight pain that coursed through my body. I leaned my head back to feel the rays of sunshine warm up my body. A sigh of relief left my lungs, knowing that no one was trying to use my blood for some freaking ritual. Eric's hand squeezed mine, making sure I was still there as he began to wake up.

My phone buzzing on the night stand snapped me back to reality and I grabbed it to look at the new text that appeared on screen.

Mom: Hi sweetie! Your grandpa got a lot better over night, so we'll be heading home this afternoon. Miss you ❤

And just like that, my life seemed like it could go back on track. That was until Eric spoke up, "G'morning hot stuff."

I looked over at his handsome face, now covered with a few cuts and bruises. The thought that I might have lost him last night kept replaying in my head, but my knight in shining armor proved to be too stubborn to die yet again. "Morning," I smiled down at him.

Eric snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Eric started to sit up in bed while saying, "Y'know, you look adorable with bedhead."

I blushed a little before responding, "You don't look half bad considering everything that happened last night."

Eric kissed the top of my head, "Well let's just hope this is the last time something like that happens."

"I don't know, it seems like I'm awfully danger prone," I joked, leaning into his chest.

"Then I've got my work cut out for me, don't I?" Eric brought his arm up and started rubbing circles on my back.

We sat in silence for a good moment, just enjoying our time next to each other. Nothing was said, but both of us knew that we were content to just be there. Finally having a peaceful moment to ourselves. That silence was broken when I earnestly asked, "Will life ever be normal?"

Eric thought for a second, "I guess it depends on your definition of normal: you can have your old normal or you can make a new normal. Neither of them are good or bad."

"I don't know how I can just go back to mundane life after this."

"If you really wanted to go back to the way things were, then I could talk to the witches about some kind of memory altering spell," Eric replied.

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