Chapter 23: Showdown

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A/N: hey guys! It has been a little bit but I wanted to get this to you guys before New Years as a late present. I accidentally published this a couple hours ago before it was finished so if you got 2 notifications, that's why. Please remember to comment, because it makes my day when I get to see you guys react to the story. Without further ado, enjoy!
(There's more violence in this chapter than normal, but not too much, just a fair warning. )

Fear coursed through my body as I grew closer to the dilapidated church. I looked over my shoulder for reassurance and saw the purple haired witch nodding a sign of approval, just over his shoulder I could see a radiant pair of swirling golden eyes watching over me.

I turned forward again, ready to put this to an end. I was thinking of the words to say over and over in my head, because I couldn't manifest them into speech. My eyes were welling up with tears and my breathing picked up to match the growing fear.

How did my life come to this? Why me? Out of all the people in the world to be related to an ancient witch, it just had to be me. I just wanted to go home, to my bed, where it's safe. Instead, I was about to draw out a witch who wanted my blood for a ritual.

Before the fear could take over my mind, I stopped my thoughts. I focused on my breathing. In for 5 seconds, out for 5 seconds. I had to ease my mind as well as my body.

Then I closed my eyes for about 10 seconds, picturing the people I was doing this for. Smitty who was forced harm the guy he loved. Étienne who has done everything to help all types of people he didn't even know. Michael who looked after me in all this. The Pack members and the Coven members who came to fight for their town. Selene who is innocent in all this. My parents who have given me such a great childhood. And Eric who loves me with all his heart and has protected me every step of the way.

This goes beyond just me. Angela has hurt all of us. It is time for her to be stopped.

Before I knew it, I was stood in the middle of this clearing that housed the church. This was either the dumbest thing I've ever done or the bravest, probably both. A single tear ran down my cheek; it's warmness a contrast to the cool autumn air. I closed my eyes and whipped the tear away, but I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise up as I heard the creaking of an old door.

My eyes shot open and I was met with the tragically beautiful witch in front of me. She seemed surprised to see me, so I knew I could lure her out. I cleared my throat, "Angie, I know it's me you want, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt. Please just leave my family alone."

Angie stepped forward and crossed her arms, "That's very noble of you, Jamie."

I swallowed hard as she slowly started to close the distance between us. She spoke with this sickening softness, "You're right: no one has to die, which is why you should call off your little friends in the woods."

My heart dropped as those words left her mouth, "Excuse me?"

Angie's expression turned dark, "You don't think I'd be dumb enough to come here alone, do you?"

The witch's eyes turned a horrible shade of bright red and around the forest were shrieks of different beasts that were descending on our position. All around us I could hear the growls and fighting of the werewolves defending us.

Angie grabbed my arm and that purple energy that once protected me, fizzled away. I tried to pull away, but her grip was strong. She laughed and called out to the forest, "Come on Étienne, I thought you were smarter than this."

I whipped my head towards where I had come from to see Étienne running towards us. Bright and colorful lights were flashing in the forest as the witches helped to stop the monsters being controlled by Angie.

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