Chapter 21: Prey

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A/N: Hey guys! I've been on a role with these chapters. I especially had to get this one out soon, because I left you all on a huge cliffhanger last chapter. It honestly makes my day to read your comments so please leave me some! Without further ado, enjoy!

I was staring into the eyes of the beast. I've been saved by him enough to know that fhis used to be Eric. However, this was no longer Eric, it was a feral monster. There was no recognition in his eyes, only the terrifying blood red color that took over his beautiful golden iris. His face told me that there was only one objective in his brain: kill.

As the wolf crept closer, Étienne pushed us both backwards. My heart was pounding as I realized that my protector has turned into my hunter. Eric was the one who had always promised to keep me safe, and I knew he was fighting in there somewhere to stop this.

Étienne was thinking a thousand miles a minute to come up with a plan. He quietly and calmly spoke, "Jamie, I have my contacts in, so I can't look into his eyes to break the spell. My house isn't that far away, and when I tell you to I need you to run as fast as you can. Understand?"

"Yes," I whispered back.

"Good," Étienne kept his eyes trained on Eric and kept his hand swirling with built up magic. He called out to the wolf, "Eric! This isn't you! Look at yourself, this is Jamie! You swore to always protect him, and I need you to fight this! I'm gonna help you get out of this, I just need you to fight it."

The creature grew closer, growling louder at us and licking his chops. There was a moment where everything fell silent, almost as if time had stopped. This beautiful silence seemed to last forever, and yet it ended just as it began.

In a rapid series of events, the beast closed the distance and lunged at the two of us, then Étienne let out a blast of radiant purple energy from his hand that sent the werewolf flying backwards. Étienne quickly used his ring and index finger to hold open his eyelid, while his thumb and middle finger removed one of his contacts. While doing this Étienne turned back to me and yelled, "Run! Hurry!"

He didn't have to tell me twice. I tore down that road as fast as my legs could take me, which admittedly wasn't insanely fast or anything. Étienne must've been pretty fast, because pretty soon he was running alongside me. I was embarrassed when I realized that he was wearing 2 inch heeled boots and was still able to catch up to me. To be fair, I was just in a car accident.

As I ran, I could hear the running of paws matching the rapidness of my breathing. Oh shit, he was closing in on us and we were only about a third of the way there. In my peripheral vision, I could see Étienne building up that magical force again.

I could hear the monster right behind us and turned my head to see him. Again, he leapt up into the air to attack, but he got closer this time before Étienne sent him flying backwards a second time with his raw power. I kept up my speed, but I could tell this magic was taking its toll on Étienne's energy.

I looked back to see the wolf recovering off the ground and starting to make his way toward us. Suddenly Étienne stopped both of us with an exasperated, "Son of a bitch."

I looked forward and in front of us with the same hunger and rage in his now red eyes was a pitch black wolf: Michael. He was blocking our path back to Blackwood and now Eric was closing in on us. I looked to Étienne to see if he knew what to do, and I could already tell the cogs were turning in his head. Since we were stopped, he took the opportunity to remove his other contact and threw it to the side. Shakily he instructed, "Jamie, I have a plan, just whatever you do, don't look into my eyes."

I nodded my head, but he was focused on the task at hand. I blocked his eyes from my vision with my hand, but I could see the glow of the vibrant violet shining brighter than ever. Étienne was building up his power for something, although I didn't know what. I checked back and saw Eric gaining on our position. Michael also started to advance forward on us. We were stuck between a rock and a hard place with no escape.

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