Chapter 3: Searing

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A/N: hey guys! I'm so happy to see that I'm getting reads, it means so much to me! Remember to share this story in anyway to see fit. I love hearing your feedback, also I'm too tired to proofread so if there's a mistake just one person leave a comment and I'll fix it.

Also this is the chapter that actually gets the ball rolling! So enjoy!

[Jamie's POV]

I always liked going to the movies with my friends, not only do I get to enjoy a movie but I also get to say I actually did something over the weekend. Michael and I would hang out over the weekend sometimes and we'd always spend the night at my house; I knew where he lived but I don't think I've ever really been there. I knew Michael and Charlie lived in the same neighborhood, but other than that I knew nothing about Michael's home life and it kinda worried me; did he insist on always sleeping at my house because he had a bad homelife?

Maybe I should ask him about it sometime. I can't worry about all that now, I have a movie to see. Dear God, I hope it's not one of those cliché stories where the girl and guy aren't into each other at all but then they fall in love and live happily ever after; that's why I like horror movies, people fight to survive in those and it shows their true nature. I'm being hypocritical though because horror movies follow a pattern too: friends go on some kind of trip and get picked off one by one until a virgin escapes the night. Cliché endings are way too overdone where it builds up to show the main character turns out to be the most important asset.

I decided to wear a blue tshirt with black slim fit pants that showed off my tush a little and a gray cardigan since the movie theater gets cold. I made sure to bring enough money to buy the overpriced popcorn and if we decided to go out to eat after.

My parents were out for the night since they were up at Sparrow Lake, so the house is mine. I don't really know why I'm excited I get the house to myself but I guess it's because I know I won't have to worry about waking my parents on my way to the kitchen for a midnight snack. I should probably work on homework or read or something tomorrow.

It wasn't long before the headlights of Michael's car flooded through the window and I grabbed my phone before locking the door behind me as I left. I happily made my way to the passenger door of his car and hopped in.

"Hey, Mickey," I said with a little pep in my voice.

Michael was almost the exact opposite of me: he wasn't happy, but troubled. He merely mumbled, "Hey."

Me being the concerned person I was, asked, "What's up?"

"It's nothing, man," he assured, "just my sinuses acting up."

I don't remember him having allergies, his nose didn't look red, he didn't sound congested at all, so basically something is up and I'll be damned if I don't find out. Nancy Drew is on the case.

I just need to remember that he's just my friend and I don't need to know every single thing he does. I just hate being lied to, it makes me feel insecure and worthless, but hey what else is new?

"So did you hear the community theater is putting on a production of The Poor of Paris?" Michael asked. That was my favorite musical of all time!

"Shut your stupid face!" I yelled in disbelief. It was a beautiful musical about impoverished people in France that are discriminated against but overcome the adversity of the aristocrats.

"It's in a month, you wanna go?" He asked, but he already new the answer.

"Um... of course!" I haven't seen a live production of that show yet, the community theater usually just does old stuff that no one likes for some reason.

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