Chapter 9: Revelations

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, school started and I got involved with another play. I hope you guys like the book so far, I may go back and edit some of these chapters in case I end up feeling like they're too rushed, so let me know what you think. Please remember to comment. Without further ado, enjoy!

I had to have been dreaming. Right? There's no way anything that I saw was real.

I woke up with a far more tolerable headache as opposed to the day before, but as I was becoming more and more conscious I realized that I wasn't in my bed and I wasn't in that bed alone. The first clue was that the bed I was in was way comfier than mine at home.

My eyes shot open and the first thing I noticed was that the furniture around the room looked vintage and the paint on the walls was faded from years of not being redone. This room had a very welcoming feeling to it, almost like I was staying in the guest room at my grandparents.

The next thing I noticed was the large hulking form sleeping soundly next to me. He was holding me against him as if his life depended on it. I soon recognized that the slumbering giant was Eric. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I didn't mind, to be honest. My head was resting on one of his pecs that was serving as me pillow, one of my hands was rested on the other perfect pec.

I noticed a bandage on his shoulder and on one of his forearms, and that's when the events that happened last night came flooding back to me. It began to set in that this man holding me was some type of shape shifter. My heart rate increased more and more as I tried to get out of Eric's grasp, but the stubborn bastard wouldn't budge. I started feeling claustrophobic and freaked out, pushing and flailing with all my might, which wasn't much.

My freak out woke the sleeping giant, who was instantly concerned, "Jamie? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Let me go!" I all but screamed as I tried sitting up.

I felt the death grip release me and I crawled to the other side of the bed to catch my breath. Eric sat up and rubbed my back, but I shooed him off, "Baby, what's wrong?"

I turned my head and shot daggers at him, "Baby?"

He had a panicked look on his face, "Uh I said 'Jamie'."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did."

I just looked at him in disbelief. However, I had bigger fish to fry: first of all was finding out where the hell I was, and second what in the fuck happened last night.

"Do you need anything?" Eric asked from behind me.

"Probably a therapist," I replied while rubbing my eyes, trying to make sense of the situation, "Where am I?"

"This is Étienne's house, after you passed out last night we came here since it's safe," Eric explained. So this was Blackwood. The ironic thing was that it was supposed to be safe from Eric.

Another thing popped into my head: he was after Ilya. I had to ask him with the hope that Ilya wasn't dog chow, "What about Ilya? Is he okay?"

Eric had a disheartened expression on his face that could only mean something bad, "Ilya is fine, just a little shaken from everything that happened."

"Oh thank God he's alive," I exclaimed, if all of this work we did to protect him failed I would have gone full rage mode.

Eric let out a chuckle, "You know, you really need to stop passing out whenever you're around me. Although you do look adorable in your sleep."

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