Chapter 7: Protection

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Jamie's POV:

I was in my room with my head still reeling from what happened over the last 24 hours. It was one of the craziest nights I've had in a while.

I have to admit I acted a little crazy: I mean, come on a cult? Really? I know I felt like there was something weird going on, but surely it wasn't a cult. Although, I never heard of the "Lunism" Eric mentioned.

I just wanted to put this weekend behind me. Hopefully Michael is alright with me being at his house, and I now understand why he didn't want me to go there in the first place.
Speaking of Michael I should probably call and check up on him.

I was on my way to the kitchen to take an aspirin for my headache when I pulled out my phone. I went to my contact list and clicked on the very outdated photo of Michael. Strangely, right as I was about to press call when my screen turned into an incoming call, with that outdated photo as the profile.

I swiped answer and brought the phone to my ear, "Hey Mikey, just the person I wanted to talk to."

"Hey, Jamie. Are you okay?" He asked, sounding pretty good for someone that went through what he did.

His question reminded me of why I was in the kitchen and I continued to the medicine cabinet, "Yeah I'm fine, just a bump on the head is all."

"Oh thank goodness. Are you busy right now?" Michael asked. He was son concerned about me when what happened to him was way worse.

I popped the dose of aspirin and answered, "Michael, you've known me for how long? You should know by now that I'm never busy."

"Ok good, can you just do me a favor?" Michael asked, "Please just lock the doors and don't let anyone else inside until I get there."

"W-what?" I asked, my heart race increasing greatly.

"Just listen to me please," Michael pleaded. I trusted Michael, so there's no reason not to do what he asks.

I raced to the front door and spoke, "Okay Michael, I'll see you when you get here. Um, hurry I guess."

I turned the latch on the front door while hanging up the phone. I rested my back against the door as my breathing picked up. "Oh damnit, I knew it was a cult."

I stumbled my way to the back door and turned the lock, and I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me, but I swear I saw something moving in my backyard by the trees.

The room was spinning and my anxiety got terrible. I was deafened by my own heartbeat and terrified of what's going to happen. I usually love the loneliness, but now the silence has never been louder.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I can't handle it. I lay down on the couch and hold my arms trying to comfort myself. I had to calm myself down, but my mind was racing to fast to figure something out. And suddenly it hit me, there's one thing that always helps me feel safe: my silver necklace with purple tourmaline and moonstone crystals in it. My mother got it for me in France and it always helps me.

I stumbled up the stairs and creaked the door to my room open. Laying on my nightstand was my treasured necklace. I quickly threw it on and laid on my bed, feeling my breathing slow.

Michael, please hurry.

It was 3 minutes later when I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the doorbell ring. I slowly got off my bed and went to the stairs. I descended with caution, and about halfway down a voice sounded from the other side of the door, "Jamie it's me open up."

Oh thank goodness: Michael was finally here. I all but ran down the stairs and un latched the door. "Oh Michael, thank God. I'm freaking out."

Michael came into my house and pulled someone out from behind him. Ilya? Michael then locked the door behind him and asked, "Is it cool if we stay here tonight?"

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