Chapter 20: Escape

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A/N: Y'all I have had so much inspiration to write! You guys are lucky, because I know I've got a month without uploading before. It makes my day to read your comments so please keep leaving them! Without further ado, enjoy!

I was a full wreck in Eric's arms, but he was just holding me tight and telling me everything was going to be okay. However, there's no way he was actually thinking that. My heartbeat was through the roof as I tried to calm down. The adrenaline was starting to leave my system and my limbs felt all achy.

It wasn't too long before 2 more wolves and a boy in fancy silk pajamas came rushing out of the house towards us. Smitty seemed to be looking around for signs of any creatures, while Michael was inspecting me to make sure I was okay.

Étienne kneeled down to eye level with me, "Jamie, oh my goodness, what the hell happened?"

I tried to find the right words, "I- uh there was . . . I don't know, it was some person w-who attacked me. They said that . . . They said they already had Selene and . . . And that they're going to go after my family."

Eric looked over at Étienne, "I'm calling the Pack members through our link, they should be coming here soon to scope out the area. We'll catch this asshole."

"What are you even doing out here? The whole reason we brought you here was to keep you safe from anyone on the other side of that gate," Étienne said.

I didn't exactly know how I got out here, "I-I'm not sure. I think I was sl-sleep walking. It's like they were leading me out here."

Eric pulled me closer into his chest, "It isn't safe for him here."

Étienne was baffled, "Well, it looks like it isn't safe for him anywhere."

Michael had shifted back at this point, "Guys, we need to focus on what to do. Not only is this person now trying to get Jamie's family involved, but we don't have a homebase anymore. This place is comprised, the Pack house isn't fully secure, his house is out of the question. Is there even anywhere in town that can protect him at this point?"

Étienne's eyes lit up as Michael asked that last question, "That's just it. There's no where in town that's safe, so let's take Jamie out of town. We can take Jamie to Sparrow Lake and then we'll also be able to protect his parents."

"That could've been a bluff to lure Jamie out of hiding, after all how would they even know where his parents are?" Michael pointed out.

Smitty came back from doing a perimeter check, "I couldn't hear any cars, so this person couldn't have gotten far."

Eric started to get up while helping me to stand, "We need to catch this person, I mean we might be able to run out the clock on this ritual, but what about the next blood moon? We're just gonna go through this all again. No, I need to kill them, before they can ever hurt Jamie again."

We all just sort of looked at each other, not knowing what the next move was. No one knew the right answer, but I had an idea of one, "How about we do both? Étienne drives me to Sparrow Lake while you three track the attacker."

I could tell Eric was afraid of leaving me, but I knew he wanted to kill this person too. He looked to Smitty and Michael, "One of you should go with, so we have a link between the groups."

Michael looked at me with a sort of apologetic face, "I'm a better tracker and Smitty's a better fighter. If anything went down, he'd be able to keep you more safe, and this way I'll be able to find this person easier."

That was the opposite of what everyone was expecting. I mean Michael's my best friend, so it would make sense for him to come with us. Eric spoke up, "Are you sure?"

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