Chapter 8: Deceit

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Hey guys! I want to first of all thank each of you who are reading this book because I'm so happy that it's gotten a solid amount of reads so far. I also want to let you know that I've had a bit of writers block so this book may be a bit longer to write out than expected, but don't worry I have a plan. Please remember to comment because I love hearing your feedback. Without further ado enjoy!

"W-who was that?" Ilya asked, cowering into Michael and I.

"How on earth are we supposed to know?" Étienne asked rhetorically.

The door bell rang out again. It seemed to echo throughout my house, and it's only combatant was the sound of my heart beating out of my chest.

"One of us should answer it," Michael said in a hushed tone, "Ilya is out of the question, and they're probably looking for me too, so. . ."

I was about to protest to what he was suggesting, I mean I can't stand up to someone like Eric who seems like he's nearly a foot taller than me, but then Étienne took charge of the situation, "So it looks like I'm the only person here that's not a coward. I mean come on people, it's nothing more than a glorified guard dog."

Michael tore himself away from us and went up to the purple haired boy, "You can't go out there, they'll tear you to shreds."

Étienne let out an uproarious laugh, and went to wipe away the tears of laughter forming under his sunglasses- which he was wearing although it was almost night time- "That's so funny I pissed a little. You think that I'm scared of Eric Jarvis? Or anyone from your pack for that matter?"

Pack? What did he mean? What did anything mean at this point? It's like when friends are gossiping in front of you, but refuse to give you any details.

"Now by the gods, I'm going down there, because I for one am not a sheep," Étienne descended the stairs by himself. He hummed a little tune as he approached the large white door that separated us from whatever monsters are out there. The door unlatched and slowly creaked open. The three of us watched as the fading sunlight cascaded up the stairs and into the hallway. "Hello, mon cher."

"Étienne?" I heard a familiar voice ask, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Eric," Étienne said. My faith in him was growing by the second, how on earth could someone have this much confidence?

"I'm here looking for my brother, have you seen him?" Eric asked.

"Oh Michael? I haven't seen him, why? Is everything okay?" Étienne asked.

"Hopefully everything is going to be alright," Eric then paused, "It's funny, I didn't know you were friends with Jamie."

"Of course I am, we're cousins," he lied.

"Oh you don't say. Speaking of which, where is Jamie?" Eric asked.

"Oh he's asleep, he has a nasty headache."

"Still?" Eric was concerned now. I could hear him take a heavy step as he asked, "Mind if I come in and check on him?"

Étienne stepped in Eric's way, "Actually I do mind, you don't have a reason to come in here."

I was super impressed with Étienne to be brave enough to stand up to that adonis of a man.

"Why can't I come in?" Eric questioned, "Are you hiding something?"

"Oh Eric, would I lie to you? I'm an open book, and this is a closed door," he smugly said as he started shutting the door in Eric's face.

Before the door could close, Eric forced it back open with his hand, "Listen, even if Michael isn't here, I still want to check and make sure that Jamie is okay," Eric pleaded, almost begged. I just hoped Étienne wouldn't let him in my house.

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