This Forsaken World Chapter 5

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This Forsaken World Chapter 5

Sergeant Victor Grimm

It had been over two hours since our deployment and so far nothing had changed. All of the troops were in position and awaiting further orders and additional support staff had arrived. Something I found especially interesting, the Defense Force had requested armored support be delivered from the fleet reserves and the order had been approved. I'd been on the wall since it had been constructed and this was the first time I'd ever seen our armored division.

Normally, armor remained in storage aboard the star-ships for when the expeditionary fleet traveled to other planets. There primary function had been designed as both scout and mobile base of operations when checking out possible planets for habitation. To actually receive approval from the higher ups for armored deployment was proof that things were bad.

Two ABT-2 tanks, known as Alliance Battle Tanks, had been dropped off from transport ships about an hour ago and they had taken up position to either side of the gates. The tanks were long and sleek, similar to the vast majority of Alliance Military equipment. The ground vehicles had an eight man crew, a forward and rear roof mounted Gatling cannon, one rocket pod in the front and multiple gunner ports. A flamethrower was equipped to a few variants for close quarters infected cleanup, although they had never been used on the front lines. Massive tracks were slotted on both sides to allow maximum maneuverability over any terrain.

In addition to this, four ABW-3's, known as Alliance Battle Walkers, had been deployed in support. The walkers were massive four legged constructs. While bulky, they were designed as perimeter guards, not intended to move around a lot. Machine-gun ports were set in what could be called the chest with numerous floodlights. The very top of the walker in what would be the head was the pilot controls and general cockpit.

Mounted on both shoulders were four rocket tubes built for single use due to the size of the ordnance. The Walkers held two arms out to the sides, the right side equipped with numerous ballistic Gatling guns, the left with rocket pods. While most walkers were vulnerable to the back, an electric field had been installed to repel any close quarter breach attempts and two gun ports were positioned on either shoulder below the rocket pods.

The Walkers were scattered about to cover as much ground as possible and the sight was breathtaking. Knowing such powerful war machines were covering your six made relaxing a bit easier when everything was on such high alert.

I had been forced to rotate my men constantly to keep them from becoming complacent, at the moment I was guarding the far left side of the wall I had been assigned and the sounds of the infected was driving me mad.

Even though I knew I might get in trouble, I'd fired a handful of rounds into the endless hordes below me to relieve some of my irritation but they were instantly replaced by waves of reinforcements, a dozen or so breaking away from there section of wall to follow the noise of the gunshots.

Just as I thought I was truly going to lose my mind the roar of engines washed over me and I glanced up in confusion. The Staff Sergeant had informed me over the radio that no more ships were due to approach and anything seen should be treated as hostile. I was thoroughly confused as to why a transport ship of Alliance design was arriving but the fact it was hand painted black and red raised some suspicion.

Toggling my radio I watched the ship carefully as it landed in the middle of the courtyard. "Staff's, we have an unidentified bogey in the wire. Request orders." I said, standing up and aiming my assault rifle at the exit ramp of the transport ship.

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