This Forsaken World Chapter 11

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This Forsaken World Chapter 11

Sergeant Victor Grimm

A sudden movement sent an alarm through my body and I snapped awake, instinctively reaching out for my assault rifle. My hand settled on a pump action shotgun and a wave of confusion and disorientation hit me before I noticed Lila sitting beside me.

Blinking several times to clear my vision I set the shotgun back down and looked around the room for any signs of danger.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not seeing anything that would prove a threat at the moment. The girl was gripping the pistol I had given her in one hand and pointed out a nearby window. Turning my attention towards the indicated direction my breath caught in my throat at what I saw.

Massive black and red ships were breaking through the atmosphere. Each ship was adorned with rusty spikes and the vessels themselves were massive, several miles long in length.

"When did those start showing up?" I asked, wincing as I moved closer to the window to get a better look.

"Um, about ten minutes ago. At first I thought they were our ships but then I saw the spikes. Who owns those? Some corporation?" Lila asked, shifting uncomfortably and keeping her distance from the view outside.

"No, those don't belong to any human. This might be the alien fleet we were warned about. It matches the description and its red and black, similar to the saboteur fanatics robes we faced earlier. Man those are huge! The entire New York Defense Force could fit in one of those, plus some tanks and mechs with room to spare." I scanned the skies to see how many ships were going to land. At least six ships were breaking through the atmosphere and settling outside of the walls, only one landing in the courtyard of the battle from last night.

I noticed several smaller transports were positioned throughout the city, most likely a scout force or an initial assault team. The way they had landed indicated tactical strikes on military locations.

"If those are here, that means the Alliance Fleet is most likely out of the fight." I growled in irritation. Spacers, what did I expect hoping they could hold off the enemy. Zombies and fanatics were enough, now we had alien ships and who knew what on the ground.

"Did our military guys die or did they run away?" Lila asked, standing up and moving to stand beside me. Apparently my lack of fear was giving the girl courage and she was more comfortable with watching what was happening outside.

"Most likely they ran. The Alliance brass wouldn't chance losing too many ships, they probably abandoned everyone on the planet and took off to save themselves." I felt like cursing but I restrained myself.

"What are those?" The girl asked, pointing to a ship that had landed. Beneath the enemy vessel a ramp had descended and two strange bipedal machines were walking out. The constructs were massive though more so in height than thickness and length. While our walkers were bulky with four legs and massive structure, these were tall and agile.

"There mechanized walkers similar to our ABW-3's. Considering how they are designed there most likely for scouting or raids."

As I continued to watch dozens of infantry began to walk down the ramp wearing thick blood red body suits with ventilation masks that covered there heads. Each soldier carried a strange looking rifle with an over and under barrel, a stick like shaft and twin toggles instead of a trigger. A few carried what looked like net shooters and yet more had what was obviously a rocket launcher.

"Wow, they are loaded for capturing them some humans. Best they don't know we're here yet." Lila nodded, crouching low as though she wanted to minimize the risk of being spotted.

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