This Forsaken World Chapter 30

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This Forsaken World Chapter 30

Captain Victor Grimm

Approaching the designated location the Colonel had pointed out I grinned. My new unit, the 18th Company, Panther Claws, was set up in six tents with a small motor pool. Men moved about either performing physical workouts, drills or preparing equipment for the coming battle.

Two large tanks with various personalized decorations sat side by side near the fence while the mech was in the motor pool being worked on by a single man. Evan laughed out loud in excitement at the sight and I rolled my eyes. To the far left creating a makeshift wall around the company barracks was the four solar trucks.

As I approached the camp a man noticed our presence and made his way towards us, snapping a quick salute before offering his hand to me.

"I'm First Sergeant Zander sir, are you our new CO?" He asked, glancing between Evan and myself.

Nodding I held up the Captain pips I had yet to secure to my uniform. The man glanced at my sergeant insignia before looking at me skeptically.

"I was recently promoted. Um, well apparently I'm Captain Victor Grimm, wow that sounds weird. This is my assistant Evan. Don't worry I'm not replacing you as First Sergeant, he's going to be assigned to me specifically, you'll retain your current duties." The man visibly relaxed at this and nodded in thanks.

"I was ordered to get you fresh uniforms and give you full access to our armory. Right this way." The man turned on his heels and started towards the furthest tent from our position.

As we passed the different groups of soldiers I nodded to each in turn. The troopers stared at us in curiosity before going back to what they were doing. The Sergeant held open the tent flap and moved to the side allowing us to enter ahead of him. Inside the temporary structure was a marvel of the old world.

Rings extended in the ceiling creating a wide circular interior large enough for at least twenty people to move about unhindered. The other tents were much larger as this one was specifically for senior officers, the armory and my personal quarters. I looked around and smiled to myself as Evan rushed towards the weapon racks and started combing through the various firearms until he found a sniper rifle to his liking.

"Is this being used by anyone?" He asked the Sergeant, cradling the long range gun like it was a precious artifact he was afraid of dropping.

"Uh, Private Kit, but you kind of outrank him now so he can settle for a marksman rifle instead. Captain your uniform is in your bunk, Sergeant yours is in the shelf on the far wall. Any questions before I leave you to it?" The man crossed his arms over his chest awaiting a response with obvious impatience. The man clearly didn't appreciate a new commanding officer being assigned to him and I didn't blame him.

"Yeah I was wondering how the Nocturnal Fleet doesn't know where we are and why they don't just destroy us from orbit?" I shifted my stance to face the Sergeant and he blinked in surprise.

"Oh we have a radar screen up. The only way they can see us is line of sight and the vamps don't have windows on there ships so they won't find us unless ground units discover us or smaller ships do a flyover. Hopefully by the time they discover us we'll be in position for a battle." I digested this information as I indicated I was good and the Sergeant snapped a salute and left.

Moving into my new quarters I fished my uniform out of a drawer and began to get dressed, laying out my old dirty and tattered sergeants garb that had served me well over the last few days. A sniff as I changed told me I desperately needed a shower but probably didn't have time. I cursed under my breath as I realized there was no armor, being forced to reuse my garrison equipment.

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