This Forsaken World Chapter 26

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This Forsaken World Chapter 26

Sergeant Victor Grimm

The waiting was tedious as the mechanic worked on the transport ship. The design was simple but the controls were alien as was the engine core. The Corporal did what he could but it was taking precious time and just as I was thinking things would get bad if we stayed in our current position much longer, a warning call from one of the Recon Force troopers brought my fears to reality.

Our group was mostly concentrated next to the space craft, only the recon team spread out to cover our perimeter. Moving over to the man who had spoken up I grit my teeth at the sight in the distance.

Advancing on us rapidly over open ground was what appeared to be thousands of infected. They were attacking from the north which was cleared from any buildings or car wrecks making there approach quite obvious.

Scanning the front rows I cursed under my breath at the situation. Glancing back at the gathered humans I did the math in my head to come up with a negative conclusion...we didn't have the numbers or weapons to hold off so many zombies.

Clapping the man on the shoulder and giving him a nod of appreciation for a job well done I doubled back and waved the Lieutenant and Major over.

"We got problems. Infected, a lot, coming this way. They must have seen us moving around or something, who knows how they hunt prey. It might also be from the gunfight but none of that matters right now. We only have side arms, the weapons the RF team has and syringe guns..." I stared at the ground trying to come up with a plan as the Major stood up and moved over to the transport.

"Corporal how much longer?! We don't have long." He yelled, sticking his head into the open side hatch.

"Probably ten minutes or so sir, why?" He asked. While I could hear the conversation, although it was rather muffled, I wasn't able to see inside to examine the man's progress myself.

"Just a horde of ravenous undead freaks coming to eat us." The officer said, shrugging his shoulders casually like it was no big deal. This got the man moving from the sounds of clattering tools and very vulgar swear words.

"We'll have to hold until its ready, we won't be able to outrun them so the transport is our only hope." Evan said as he joined us.

"My thoughts exactly." Raising my voice so everyone could hear, I stood up.

"Everyone gather anything you can use as a weapon, we have a horde coming our way. Run if you want but if you choose to stay and wait for the transport to get repaired be ready for a fight!" I snapped, checking the remaining magazines for my pistol.

I was currently sitting on five spare magazines, each one loaded with eleven bullets. While it was a good number to use against infected, I had to make each shot count considering the sheer number. The Recon troopers had used a decent amount of ammunition during the fight to take the space craft so there was no way we could kill them all.

The former prisoners picked up anything they could use as a club, one man prying the flail out of the dead grip of his vampire tormentor. Everyone looked shaken and scared but ready to do there part.

"Major, you stay here and keep that corporal working. We'll hold them off as long as we can." The officer gave me a nod and I waved everyone towards the north to follow me.

There wasn't much cover except a few boulders and the scrap metal half walls the vampires had put up. While the walls would do nothing against zombies, built for ballistic or projectile cover, it would slow them down as they had to jump over them.

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