This Forsaken World Chapter 33

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This Forsaken World Chapter 33

Commander Devin Crowe

Coming out of slip stream the first thing I noticed was the lack of ships previously reported. A single battleship and two frigates sat near our disabled ships with only two squadrons of enemy fighters on patrol.

Without delay the Star and Eclipse deployed every small aircraft we had which at this point was very low due to continued casualties from each battle. I watched as the carriers both spread out to flank the enemy ships on two sides, the alliance squadrons racing towards the targets to intercept any dangers to there capital ships.

"In position Commander." A distant technician informed me and I had to strain to hear him.

"Roger that, make sure the Star is ready then begin a broadside of that battleship. Focus primarily on there weapons, we want it intact for the next stage of this operation." The bridge officer nodded and went about his duties, relaying the information to the second carrier.

Both massive capital ships began to unload there ballistics turrets and rocket pods into the sides of the enemy battleship. While the carriers were not designed for direct combat they still held an impressive assortment of firepower including fifty turrets and four rocket pods per ship. The draw back however was only half of those turrets could engage a target from this position and in order to use the rest the carrier had to perform a rolling maneuver which exposed the vulnerable hangar bays on the top and bottom of the ship.

Chunks of metal were ripped free from the battleship as the ballistic rounds tore into it with a vengeance. While the Nocturnal ship would normally be more than a match for a single carrier in a one on one battle, two of them attacking simultaneously from both sides was more than it could handle and the return fire was scattered and inaccurate.

The attack had been so fast and unexpected the bridge crew of the enemy ship was struggling to react accordingly and we used this to our full advantage. While I'd expected the fight to last some time it was over in a matter of minutes and I blinked in surprise as a man to the far right of the bridge spoke to me.

"Sir, enemy ship disabled and ready for boarding." I stared at him in disbelief and glanced over my shoulder at the Vice Admiral who simply shrugged.

"That can't be right...they didn't even put up much of a fight. What about the frigates?" I looked out the view port but the smaller support ships were out of my sight, most likely underneath the carrier.

"One Frigate is destroyed, the second has been badly damaged and is attempting to escape." I growled and reached for the communication device in the seat.

"All bombers, make sure that frigate doesn't escape or this entire plan will fail." I received double clicks in response and noted Sledge leading the raid on the Nocturnal ship, the entire bombing fleet falling in behind him. Nodding to the helm officer the ship began to roll so I could get a view of the second Frigate.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show as the combined ordnance struck the enemy ship and it broke apart into what appeared to be a hundred pieces of floating scrap metal.

"Alright, all ships return for rearming and refueling. All S.C.A.R., medical and support staff to the hangar bays for deployment. Captain Conners, we'll be sending all combat personnel to board the battleship along with the Blood Fangs while I'll be taking repair and medical teams to the disabled alliance ships to search for survivors and get them battle ready." There was a momentary pause before the woman responded.

"Understood Commander." I stood up and held out a hand to the seat.

"Admiral if you would, please take command." She smiled and sat down, instantly going into leader mode as she coordinated the landing of the fighters.

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