This Forsaken World Chapter 37

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This Forsaken World Chapter 37

Captain Victor Grimm

The enemy army managed to clear the battlefield save a few pockets of warriors still fighting on, cut off from the main force. Once they had put enough distance between our own troops I could see General Porter mount the captured behemoth and raise a hand into the air. As he lowered his arm every Alliance air asset still functional began to strafe the retreating army, the explosives and ballistic payloads decimating there ranks.

Taking this as a signal the last of our armor advanced through the battlefield to open fire on the enemy flanks, the bullets absolutely shredding the rear guard.

Circling overhead the allied frigate took up position directly above the Nocturnal mechs at the point of the retreat and turned there powerful cannons and rockets on the walkers, the display of raw firepower a thing to behold as it lit up the night.

It only lasted a few minutes before the entire enemy army was completely wiped out and the surviving vampire's still fighting dropped there weapons and fell to there knees in surrender. The Alliance forces let out a loud cheer in victory, the worn and injured troopers clapping each other on the backs or breaking out in tears as emotions overwhelmed the human victors.

The odds had been stacked against us from the very beginning but somehow despite everything we had come out on top and Earth was ours, at least for the moment. Deep down I knew this wasn't the end.

The Nocturnal fleet was massive and there would be no end to the amount of soldier's they would be willing to deploy to enslave the last of the humans, but this was a start. The leaders of the Alliance remnants firmly believed that if we proved to be enough of a problem and racked up enough casualties to our enemy that the vampire's would leave our world alone.

Foolish...that's what I think, but hope is a powerful thing.

As I stared across the battlefield, the number of dead or dying beyond counting, I felt a smile tug at the edge of my lips unable to suppress the emotions anymore. Despite what I'd been through I couldn't help but have a little hope myself and it was refreshing.

Medic's began to emerge among the war torn landscape to aid the injured and try to save those on the edge of death's embrace. I sat down on the tank and breathed in deeply, letting the fatigue from the last few days settle in and dropped the weapons I had been carrying.

The hatch popped open behind me as Warrant Officer Vesper stuck her head out, the beautiful woman a welcome sight in such a horrible world. Smiling at me she gave me a sharp salute and I halfheartedly returned the gesture, too tired to bring myself to have enthusiasm.

"That's refreshing to see, crispy vamps. Where's that cute First Sergeant that was with you? Evan I believe? I kind of liked him." I slowly shook my head and the woman glanced down at the surface of the tank.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir." I waved it off.

"It's okay, he went down fighting. You know before the battle he said he had the hots for you. Was planning on asking you out after this was over." A blush began to creep into the tank pilots cheeks and I chuckled.

Before we could continue the conversation the light of the moon was blocked out as a shadow fell over the battlefield. Looking up in surprise I cursed as a massive Nocturnal battleship broke through orbit and took up position above the survivors of the Alliance army.

Without any chance to scatter or take cover the war ship turned so it's side was facing the ground and it unleashed its devastating shard weapons, the metal chunks spearing into bodies, mechs and tanks alike. Everyone attempted to flee but the capital ship was so huge it's weapons could cover the entire field, the only cover being the damaged vehicles and even these were being punctured.

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