This Forsaken World Chapter 35

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This Forsaken World Chapter 35

Captain Victor Grimm

Moving to stand beside me Evan opened fire with his sniper rifle as I unloaded my own weapon at the oncoming horde of infected humans. The sheer volume of bodies advancing on us was beyond comprehension and I forced the hopelessness I felt away and focused instead on that familiar adrenaline combat created.

One of the tanks had realized our situation and they were turning towards the zombies to attempt to drive them back, one platoon following in there wake and forming a firing line to our extreme left.

The rest of my company continued there battle with the Nocturnal army which at this point was becoming one sided as the enemy mechanized walkers were joining the battle while the infantry advanced under there cover.

I didn't have time to thoroughly assess the situation due to my current distraction and hoped that my men would be able to hold there own. The infected were still a ways off but they were running at a dead sprint and closing the gap rapidly, my heart hammering in my chest as panic tried to take hold of me.

"Evan, get out of here! There's no way we can defeat them, at least save yourself!" I snapped at my friend, swapping out my empty magazine and slapping in a new one.

"Shut it boss, you'd think after all this time you'd realize I'm not going anywhere. We started this together, we're going to finish it...I'm your lackey after all." My comrade gave me a sideways grin as he chambered the bolt action to slot a fresh high caliber bullet.

I shook my head in disbelief and gave up arguing. Despite the situation, it felt good to know my friend was willing to fight and die by my side. Explosions ripped along the line behind us causing a heatwave to strike my back leaving a second degree burn on the back of my neck. I was thankful for my armor or I'd have suffered much worse, the armored plating absorbing most of the blast.

Glancing over my shoulder I felt like swearing out loud, my secondary tank having suffered a direct hit from a missile and now sitting in a smoldering heap. As I watched our mech took a round in the front right leg and lost the edge of mobility, the massive war machine tilting over sideways and barely keeping itself upright.

Due to the position and lack of movement the ABW-3 was a sitting duck and it's mini-gun turret and rockets were isolated to firing in one direction. The hatch of the mech opened up and everyone except for Warrant Officer Jenkins piled out, scattering towards the position of third platoon.

The war machine continued to fire attempting to slow down the enemy infantry as Jenkins valiantly held his ground, operating Wynona on his own.

The last tank passed by us and ground to a stop to our left, the large gun on its roof rotating to target the infected humans, massive shells shredding the bodies into a red pulp as they tore them apart. The barrage did little to slow down the horde as they continued to charge at us and as the zombies got closer I sighed in defeat, firing off the last bullets in my magazine and swapping the empty for my last remaining.

Evan cursed as he ran out of ammunition and he flipped the giant rifle over to use it as a club. Turning to look at me I nodded to my friend and together we prepared to be torn apart by ravenous freaks. Just as they were about to converge on us the front row evaporated into a red mist and I held up a hand to shield my eyes.

Above us the transport ships had begun to circle, the side hatches open revealing auto-cannons mounted into the deck plating with fleet officers manning them. The guns stitched fire across the zombies throwing the horde into disarray as they struggled to decide who to attack.

Explosions and bullets echoed into the night from behind the wall of infected humans and I looked up as our armored units drove right into them, the combination of vehicles crushing the bodies under tread and tire and the rockets, ballistic guns and flamethrowers. The surviving men of the Panther Claw's cheered at the sight as reinforcements arrived and began to decimate the zombie's with a brilliant display of pure destruction and carnage.

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