This Forsaken World Chapter 8

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This Forsaken World Chapter 8

Sergeant Victor Grimm

As I made my way along the wall, flashes from above caught my attention and I looked up into the night sky. From what I could see, massive star ships were moving into position on the outer edge of the orbital station not far from the Moon. Fighter and bomber squadrons were invisible to the naked eye at this distance but the flashes were coming from what had to be one hell of a dog fight.

My thoughts returned to the pilot I'd fought in the bar and I gave the man a casual salute. "Good luck up there buddy."

Turning back to the wall path before me I tried moving again but the pain in my ankle was too much and I had to sit against the wall for a few moments to rest it. As I sat there, explosions erupted inside the city perimeter and I shook my head. The enemy had finally pushed past the last defenders and the city was now suffering because of it.

I was amazed at the enemy tactics, they'd been truly brilliant to use the infected to lighten our defenses before launching an attack of there own against a weakened force. Despite there suicide charge, they must have one hell of a leader.

The U.E.D.F. Had been issued roughly twenty thousand troops. Trying to cover an area as large as the walled off center of New York, was almost impossible. The original city in its full glory was home to more than eight million residents...the math simply didn't add up, even if we only covered a portion of the city.

As I continued to watch the fires bloom into the night I felt helpless...worse, I felt hopeless. What could we do? In my current condition getting to a transport was going to be hard. I had to outrun the assault raging below me, if they reached the hangar's first, I wasn't going anywhere. Every able ship would launch and it would be good bye space trip.

Of course, the rumor before the walls had fallen was that the enemy force was ridiculously huge and the fleet had no chance, which was why the evacuation had been prioritized. The wall defenses in my garrison had been around eight thousand. I hadn't had a chance to count our inner gate reinforcements or to ask, but from a guess it would have been around four thousand.

The real question was, where were the other eight thousand Defense Troopers? If I had to guess they were near the hangar trying to buy time for the ships to launch. My only thought on this, if they had been on the inner wall defense, we'd never have faced a breach to begin with.

The explosions interrupted my thoughts as it was obvious they were advancing further into the city and I had to catch up if I was going to make it in time.

I struggled to my feet, wincing at the pain, and bit my lip.

Grabbing up my assault rifle, I used the weapon as a makeshift crutch to support my weight and continued on my way. I really hated to use my only firearm in this way, it might damage the barrel, but I couldn't make it under my own power without more pain killers.

Grumbling at my situation, I pushed onward, watching as several ships took off from the hangar up ahead. The sight gave me renewed strength and determination.

Commander Devin Crowe

As I continued to engage the enemy star fighters, the massive battleships began to advance on the orbital station. Realizing the threat, the destroyers moved forwards to block there movement. Although they were severely outnumbered, the small capital ships put there numerous armaments to use.

Large torpedoes, rockets and dozens of ballistic turrets opened fire, the results were spectacular as the lead enemy battleship exploded, breaking apart into a dozen pieces. Small fires flared into existence before the void of space extinguished them with the lack of oxygen.

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