boxed like a fish 🥰

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slight tw : minor injury (papercut), blood, pointy tool (to open a box)

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Hi, wife! :D
I just saw you online, and I wanted to ask: how
has your day been, so far?

Hello, radio
My day has been pretty good

How are you today

I'm doing exceptionally great today, for some
reason or another...

That's good to hear

I just received a package from Wilbur, today! I've
been expecting it for a few weeks, now. I'm so
glad it's here! :] Maybe that's why I've been so
hyper and stuff.

thats nice

hey um
wanna call

Of course, wifey. <3

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        "niki!" (y/n) chirped, starting the call. their camera was on, but their face was out of frame. sometimes the bottom half of their face would come into frame, but they'd quickly sit up straighter before niki had the chance to see.

        she could see (y/n) sitting in their gamer chair. they had on the frog pajamas from the same website karl got his frog hoodie from. niki considered buying the same pair.

        "hi, (y/n)!" niki said back, gathering as much enthusiasm as she could.

        "yes! i have the package right here, i have it here... man, i feel like those unboxing channels. call me ryan's world."

        niki laughed softly, watching (y/n) struggle to open the box with their bare hands. they went feral, shoving their hand directly between the flaps of the box, and pulling as hard as they could.

        "oh, wait— shit!" (y/n) hissed and quickly pulled their hands from the box. "the— the fucking tape cut me!"

        niki sat up straighter, moving closer to her monitor to try and examine the cut. the pixels didn't help. "oh no! are you alright?"

         "shit. yeah, it's just... oh, that's bleeding a lot. um... hey, techno," (y/n) called, "can you grab me a band-aid, real quick? i have a package on my lap, and i don't want to fuckin'..."

        techno rushed into the room, handing them a band-aid. "lore," he simply said, before getting the fuck out of there. he must've seen the camera.

         (y/n) took a deep breath. "okay, we're fine. maybe we'll just use the box cutter. safely." they reached over to their desk and gabbed the orange box cutter. "pew."

        niki anxiously typed ideas into the collaborative "lore" google doc, making sure to keep an eye on whatever the fuck (y/n) was doing. if they got hurt again, she'd at least be... sort of prepared? no, god, they were thousands of miles away, how could she be 'prepared?' it wasn't like she could physically rush over to help with a minor injury. the most she could do was shout encouraging 'don't die!'s

        (y/n) exaggerated a gasp. "i got it open."


        "i wonder what it is. all wilbur said was that he got me something, so... i swear to god, if it's a dildo, i'm coming to the uk and i'm going to beat the shit out of him." niki stifled a laugh. "oh, that's..."

        (y/n) took something out of the box. it looked like a pillow covering.

        "good thing i have a pillow," they muttered. they shimmied the covering onto a random pillow, and snickered. they turned it to face the camera.

        "oh my god..." niki breathed, a smile creeping onto her face.

        wilbur got (y/n) a pillow covering with kim jong un in the front, and the text 'live, laugh, love - kim jong-un' in the background. they wordlessly pulled another thing out of the box, and— oh christ, oh no... it was the redbubble wilbur soot mini skirt. oh, to bleach (y/n)'s eyes.

        "no, i'm gonna cry," (y/n) said, putting a hand over their mouth.

        what a great gift. they were such great friends.

        niki smiled. she was grateful that everyone she knew were great friends. (y/n) just had this aura, she guessed, that naturally brought together people. though, they were married and still didn't know much about each other. they talked a lot, but it was mainly on stream, so there typically were no deep conversations.

        she wanted to change that, though! (y/n) was a cool and interesting person, and she wanted to know more about them. niki didn't think she could start up a proper conversation, though... she was never actually good with conversations with people that weren't good friends, despite her not being an introvert.


        "niki?" (y/n) called. niki snapped out of her thoughts and turned her eyes to her screen. in the background of (y/n)'s room, she could see techno discreetly doing the 'shy fingers.' what a sight to behold. "sorry to cut this short, but techno wants to go to the store, and he's too socially awkward to do it alone."

        "don't tell her that," he hissed, barely picked up by the mic.

        niki smiled. "no, that's completely fine! have a good day, (y/n), techno. bye!"

        (y/n) waved enthusiastically. "bye!" then they left the call, leaving niki alone once again.

so uh for plot reasons events related to the actual dream smp lore will be spread out
because otherwise the plot will very much not make sense :thumbsup:

like if tommy dies and then gets resurrected like two or so days later,
the time gap would be a week at least (in this story)

not me forgetting to publish 🥰

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