is h*nd-h*lding better?: a survey

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═════ஓ๑「𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎」๑ஓ═════

        tommy, wilbur, and the dream team followed (y/n) further and further into the woods. did they know where they were going? no. did they want to know? absolutely fucking not.

        earlier, they were downstairs, and caught (y/n) and wilbur about to sneak out the front door. they offered them to come and join them on their journey. it was (y/n); how could they refuse their offer? oh, yeah, and wilbur's. almost forgot about him.

        smiling, (y/n) climbed up a tree, and swung themselves over a high fence. wilbur followed suit (haha, wilbur suit). the dream team did the same thing, except a bit more hesitant.

        "is this legal?" tommy finally asked, climbing higher into the tree. he pulled himself up on a stable branch just above the top fence. "or safe? at all??"

        (y/n) laughed, leaving tommy a little scared. he carefully hopped over the fence, making him the last to enter the boundaries.

        (y/n) smiled, giving them all a thumbs up. "it's absolutely not safe! who do you think you're talking to?"

        wilbur and george's faces paled. the rest started nervously laughing.

        george ironically did the sign of the cross. "please tell us we're not committing arson. please let this be a normal field trip..."

        "arson? come on, a bitch ain't that classy. we'll save that for another day." (y/n) and sapnap glanced at each other at the same time. "hey mamas. we're just here to chill, or whatever. nothing illegal illegal, but illegal enough to the point where it's not legal, per se, but actually legally—"

        "you're going to go on forever if we don't stop you," dream cut in. suddenly, he lit up and grinned. oh no, he had an idea. he grabbed (y/n)'s hand and started running off with them. he turned his head back to the rest of the group, laughing at them as they got further away.

        "where we headed, big man?" (y/n) asked, desperately trying to catch up. was it because he was tall, or because they were out of shape?

        he snickered. "i don't know where we are! if i do, it's too dark to recognize anything— oh, wait!" his eyes landed on an old stone structure.

        he slowed down significantly, making (y/n) run into him and topple him over. instead of getting up, (y/n) stayed, hovering over dream. "continue."

        dream stared at them for a moment before laughing. he turned his head away from (y/n). "there are, uh... this is an old architectural ruins site, of some sort... i used to go here all the time. when i felt lonely, i'd come here to climb the, um, the tallest towers and look down at everything." he smiled slightly.

        (y/n) got up and helped dream to his feet.

        they watched as dream scaled the nearest tower, almost falling once or twice. he stood on top of it, looking rather at ease. he sat down and looked back at (y/n).

        the slight smile was still on his face. "wanna come up?"

        "is there any room? wait, is this even stable?" (y/n) asked, already heading to the tower. they headed up using the man-made indents in the stone. "move over or i'll fucking sit on your lap."

        "oh yeah?" he smirked. "i think i'm fine where i'm at."

        imagine testing (y/n), lmao. they stayed true to their word, and sat down sideways on dream's lap. they wrapped their arms around his neck for support. they cackled as he freaked out, clearly not expecting that. 

        "oh hey, i see the gang!" (y/n) pointed with one hand. everyone was all spread out, searching for the two. "i wonder when—or if, knowing some of them—they'll find us. should we wave them down, or...?"

        dream shook his head. "they'll eventually find us. george will get frustrated, and then look up to the sky to glare at it or something. i don't really know what he does. that's when he'll spot us, though."

        "10,000 iq."

        after that, neither talked. (y/n) just listened to dream hum some song he was listening to earlier.

        "there they are!" a british voice snapped (y/n) out of their tiredness. "what are you doing up there?"

        "are you making out or something?" sapnap asked, putting his hands on his hips. "without me?"

        dream wheezed something (y/n) couldn't understand, and they got off the tower quickly. "no, we were not making out," he chuckled.

        "hmmm," sapnap narrowed his eyes, inspecting the two. "i dunno, man."

        george recoiled. "ew, you're disgusting."

        "controversial, but why kiss when hold hand?" (y/n) suddenly grabbed the nearest person's hand, who was george, to demonstrate. "see, this is way better than kissing. kissing is ew. why would you connect mouths when you can connect hands?"

        tommy nodded, putting a hand under his chin in thought. "they make a valid point."

        "kissing is more related with sexual feelings, and shit. not to say that kissing can't not be sexual, but hand-holding is much more fluffy and intimate; more romantic, in a way. i'm up for a nice kiss, but... hand-holding..."

        "is that why you're holding george's hand? you romantically attracted to him? ew, gross. affection and shit." tommy waved them away, backing up.

        "ah yes, it is exactly the reason. oh, another pro: the average person has two hands." (y/n) grabbed sapnap's hand, too. "two hands to hold two hands. do you have two mouths? look at our lovely poly."

        sapnap punched the air with his free hand. "i'm part of two, now! hell yeah, i'm on a roll!"

        dream shook his head, turning to (y/n). "okay, grandparent." he chuckled, but there was something off about it. "let's get you back to bed."

        "i am pretty tired. i mean, i slept for like seven hours on the ride here, which is more than usual, and that was the end of that—" before they could say another word, wilbur swept them off their feet, picking them up bridal-style. "wait, no, put me down, fucker. i swear to god, if you start running, i—"

        "race you back to the house!" wilbur smiled at the group, taking off with (y/n). everyone else all followed wilbur, since apparently he knew where he was going. they exited the front gates of the ruins.

        "hey!" someone shouted. no, it was not the disembodied lego advertisement voice. "you're not allowed here! get back here!"

        "shit, shit, shit!" wilbur cursed, running a bit faster. (y/n) just awkwardly held on tighter. "you didn't tell us we were trespassing!"

        "i literally said it was illegal!"

        "i didn't think you meant literally!"

my entire search history is just ✨ chainsaws ✨ because of a funky drawing haha

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