quiplash brings out forbidden memories

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        jackco— jackbox, a game for family or friends, or perhaps both. a game with lots of shitty prompts that can easily be turned into jokes. it was an innocent game, correct?


        what a funny joke.

        "'a lighter, slightly more romantic sequel to crime and punishment would be called...?'" quackity read the quiplash prompt, and then cried at the responses. "1) bdsm for dummies, or 2) bungou stray dogs??"

        "in my defense, it was funny." (y/n) raised their hands in mock defense. their joke got a chuckle out of phil, at least. "i made grandpa laugh. i count this as a win in my book."

        phil laughed, rolling his chair backwards. "oh, fuck off!"

        "right, right... you're not in your prime, phil. your heydays have passed." (y/n) sighed at the results. they should've known phil would be the only one to vote for them. "come on... none of you have even seen bungou stray dogs. this isn't fair!"

        "it sounds like a shitty anime," quackity reasoned. 


        "'what the coolest grandparent slips into a birthday card:' 1) straight burundanga, or 2) money, i dunno"

        everyone but (y/n) voted for "money, i dunno."


        "i know, i am so cool," they jokingly flaunted. "but don't do drugs."

        george rolled his eyes. "lame."

        "'never get in a street fight with someone nicknamed: 1) a.m. radio, or 2) florox on ts :hand_splayed:. what the fuck is a florox?"

        someone joined the call.

        "FLOROX? HOW DOES ANYONE HERE EVEN KNOW ABOUT THAT?" fundy borderline screamed. "that was my old nickname, given to me by—" 

        the answers to the prompts were flipped over, revealing the people who wrote them: quackity, and (y/n).

        "...given to me by someone called radio wave on teamspeak..." 

        the people in the call could hear the cogs turning in both fundy and (y/n)'s brains.

        "hey, radio wave!" fundy greeted, smiling. he just got out of school, and he was already on his computer. his parents would've been concerned, if they didn't think he was just doing homework or some shit. "how have you been? i haven't talked for you in forever."

        "it's been like five days, stupid."

        "don't call me stupid, stupid."

        "holy shit, you're a master at insults. wasn't like i just fucking said that."

        fundy frowned. "you have a swearing problem."

        "no i fuc— no i don't. it's not a 'problem,' at least. i can control myself."

        he crossed his arms, not realizing (y/n) did the same thing on the other side of the call. "fine! well, if you can, then let's... let's bet on it! if you swear anytime during this call, then you have to tell me your name! your real name. if- if you're okay with that."

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