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I look at Kathy and noticed both females are vampires as well.

"Yes that make her the queen." My mate says.

The older woman looks at me and I fell my mate wrapping his arm around my waist making me momentary forgetting everything that is bothering me.

"Come on Kathy let's leave your uncle alone with his mate." Sabrina says.

They way she said mate made me angry and scared. It was like she was saying it with a threat and venom towards me.

Once the door shuts Zack turn me to face him.

"As I was saying, if we do not find him we will have to mate tonight for your protection." Zack says.

"So it is not because you want to mate, but because I am a burden?"

For some reason I was starting to cry from just thinking of that.

Zack lifts my chin making me look into his eyes.

"It is not like that. I have wanted to mate with you since the first time I saw you." Zack says.

"Then what has stopped you?"

I thought I said that in my head, but I know I did not when he pulls me closer and kisses me.

Once I kiss him back I felt the sparks increase and the need for his body to be directly on mine.

Once he breaks our kiss places his forehead on mine.

"Because I wanted to respect that you have a say and not take it away from you." Zack says still trying to catch his breathe.

I pulled him down wanting to kiss again, but once our lips touch there is another knock and they walk in making Zack pull away.

"Zacky?" A female voice says.

I snap out of my daze and look at her. She is about 5ft with blonde hair and blue eyes.....

Before I knew what I was saying and doing I felt the jealousy pulse through me.

"Mine!" I grab him and easily pulled him down making his lips touch mine and his hands grip my waist in shock.

The female runs out of the room making Zack pull away and look between me and where she was.

"That was not very nice to do to my sister." Zack says removing my arms from around him.

He left in search for her after my arms were not around him anymore.

Once the door shut I felt the guilt creep into me.

I am the Vampire King's MateWhere stories live. Discover now