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Almost a week has passed and he is so busy that I have been stuck in this room only allowed to eat then straight back to this room. The worse thing about this is no one is giving me any answers to my questions. Like yesterday I asked the older lady that has been bringing me to the kitchen and back where my kidnapper is and why am I stuck in the room. The only answer I got was her attitude and a new bruise. I swear this lady need to stop squeezing my arm so tight or she will break it. The only thing good that has been happening is that I get a ton of reading done, so now I am down to my last book from the trip to the library room with my kidnapper. This book is just my love to learn new things, so I am now going to start learning Italian and I am so excited.

Two days have passed once again and I learned that every night he comes into my room, so I recorded what he was saying just to find out he is indeed speaking Italian and has a lot of explaining to do. So if I do not see him by tonight at dinner I will sneak off to find him myself. Right now I am getting ready for the day eventhough I will once again be in my room most of the day.

It is almost dinner and I have not seen him yet making my patience run thin. The lady is now standing at my door tapping her foot like I am taking up so much of her precious time, but I did not asked for all of this to happen. She guides me down with yet again too much force. Once dinner is done I sneaked out of the kitchen knowing she had only one guard by the door and she went to the bathroom or somewhere else. I left the back ways heading to his room and as I am walking I make sure to be very quiet. There in his room is a king size bedin the next room, a fire place in this room, a love seat, a rug that looks like fake fur, a bathroom in the room connected to the room that has his bed, a mini fridge that has a lock on it, and a closet that has black suits, all in different shades of black though, and the rest of the closest is all business attire. After searching the whole bedroom I was exhausted so I waited for him on the chair closer to the fireplace, but after a while it was getting uncomfortable, so I waited for him on the bed.

'I will just sit here just until he come back then I will demand answers'

Not before long I fell asleep and wake up to him pulling something soft on top of me.


"Sh just go back to sleep it is okay." He says.


"Sh, we will talk in the morning." He says quietly, but still firm.

Even my mind and body agreed with him to just go back to sleep, so I did.

In the morning I woke up and realized I slept in his room in his bed next to him. Well I think I slept next to him since that side is warm and is not as neatly made as I remember it. But where is he? I got up and looked all around his room to come up empty handed. Then the lady who has not been very pleasant walks in and grabs me dragging me off until we stop at a door that she knocks twice and pushes me in. I stumble of course and my kidnapper helps me up staring daggers at her.

"Not my fault she is clumsy." She says then walks out.

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