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When I woke up Zack is not in here making my vision tint. I go looking for him, but as I pad others they look scared. My fangs lengthens and my vision tints before I start running looking for that sweet intoxicating smell of my mate. When I find it I break down the door and immediately start feeding from him as I grind in him. I did not see the others until I am calm licking the marks.

"Uhm." Someone says making me aware there is four guys in here with us.

I hiss and they look scared making Zack pick me up and dart back to the room to mate and feed.

Only when I am calm and satisfied Zach pulls away getting off the bed.


I hiss trying to keep ahold of him.

"Baby I have things to get down. I promise tonight I am all yours." Zach says until my vision tints.

Zach then gets back on the bed and holds me as I feed and lick all the marks I have ever given him.

"I am sorry."

I start to cry and Zach consoles me until I am just hiccuping.

"La mia allettante regina devi calmarti e rilassarti. So che è difficile soprattutto essere un principiante, ma tu sei un vampiro raro che lo fa diventare più difficile. So che avrei dovuto essere qui quando ti sei svegliato e mi dispiace di non esserlo (My tempting queen you need to calm down and relax. I know it is hard especially being a newbie, but you are a rare vampire causing it to be harder. I know I should had been in here when you woke up and I am sorry I was not)." Zach says calming me even more down.

"Ho bisogno di te Zach. È come se tu fossi la mia cura per il mio folle lato selvaggio. Per favore non lasciarmi. Mi spaventa quanto sia forte e come tutti abbiano paura di me (I need you Zach. It is like your my cure to my crazy wild side. Please don't leave me. It scares me how strong it is and how everyone is scared of me)."

"Che ne dici di questo, ogni giorno rimani accanto a me e impari le corde del nostro regno. In questo modo possiamo mantenere quel lato addomesticato e non mi preoccuperò così tanto per te. E per ora perché non ti unisci a me alla riunione e dopo, se vuoi, siamo venuti ad un appuntamento e cerchiamo di metterti incinta. Suona bene la mia allettante regina selvaggia sexy (How about this, every day you stay next to me and learn the ropes of our kingdom. That way we can keep that side tame and I won't worry so much about you. And for now why don't you join me in the meeting and afterwards if you would like we came go on a date and try to get you pregnant. Does that sound good my tempting sexy wild queen)?" Zack asks.

"Sembra incredibile, mio sexy compagno re vampiro. Non vedo l'ora che arrivi il nostro appuntamento (Sound amazing my sexy vampire king mate. I can't wait for our date)."

I kiss him and it leads to us mating before we head to the meeting after getting presentable.

All through the meeting I was on Zack's lap go help keep me calm and not go wild, but my thoughts went dirt wild. So after the meeting I kisses Zach grinding on him which he understand before pinning me to his desk as we mate needy. We do two rounds before heading to the room and getting ready only for Zack to rip my panties of and mate.

Note to self get more lingerie as Zach goes wild for them.

On our date we had a picnic, but the steak was not cutting it so I straddle Zack's lap and fed from him turning it into a mating session as we are in a restricted area. He goes fast before we switch to doggy style making him go faster before I ride him making the rest blurry. Soon afterwards we head back and for the first time since really being a vampire I am calm as Zack uses the bathroom while I put the leftovers in the fridge.

I am the Vampire King's MateWhere stories live. Discover now