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I could not understand it or figure out what language he was speaking, but when he left I fell instantly back asleep like I did not wake up a bit and heard him say those words. And in the morning I was sure it was a dream until I found my door unlocked. I opened the door to see that he was walking to my door and his eyes lit up a bit. The bright red mix made my insides turn all hyper and I do not understand why.

"Buongiorno amore mio, hai dormito bene? (Morning my love, did you sleep alright?)" He says, but sounded like a question.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

"Sorry I said good morning and asked if you slept alright." He says.

His voice so soft and warm, but when he was speaking a different language it was husky and sexy like he was confessing his love.

"Oh, yes I sleep alright, thank you."

"Follow me then." He says, but it was like he was holding something back.

I followed him to the kitchen and he made me some eggs Benedict. I wanted to ask him how he knows how to cook, but then I thought it would be ride to ask. Watching him cook was like watching a professional chef that is your personal chef and your lover. Watching him made me feel things in my core and I do not understand why. He kidnapped me for goodness sake and he is a supernatural being, but then again he was being kind for the most part. Maybe all of this is a trap set up for me and when I least expect it I would be tricked. I turn to look out the window and find a garden near by. The urge to draw it and smell all the flowers while relaxing was so overwhelming that I did not notice he was watching me with sad and hurt eyes. I turned away from the window to see a glimpse of his eye, but I just walked to the kitchen island and sat waiting for him to be done.

Once he was done I was more confused now than earlier. Before me was only one plate making me question was he going to eat or not.

"Are you going to eat with me?"

"No, I have already eaten my breakfast earlier." He says.

Did he eat dinner last night? I mean he did not eat with me last night either.

I ate in silence until I was done.

"Thank you for breakfast. It was amazing. Almost like the ones I had as a child."

"Your welcome." He says.

I got up and washed my dishes and he then brings me to a room with two black couches, two black chairs in front of a big cherry oak desk, a red computer chair on the other side of the desk, and two red book shelfs that had books and other items. He shuts the door and I walked over to the book self that was closest to the door. There on the third self is a picture of a boy who looks like a younger version of my kidnapper and a woman with blue eyes and light blond hair.

"Is this you?"

I point to the picture and he nods.

"You look so happy and cute in this picture."

"Thank you." He says then takes out a laptop and starts typing.

"Is that your mom next to you?"

"Yes, before she got sick." He says.

"I am sorry. I know how it feels. My dad got sick around the time he entered my life again."

I blinked back the tears that were starting to form. If only I knew back then how much time I would actually get to be with him before he passed away.

"Do you miss him?" He asks.

"Very much, but I barely knew him when he passed away."

"I am sorry." He says.

I sat on the biggest couch in here and remember how life was before then. After a while he come and sits next to me and grabs my hand and wipes the tears, that I did not notice was coming out, away. He pulls me into his arms and rubs my back until I can stop crying. He then wipes those tears away.

"Lascia tutto fuori amore mio. (Let it all out my love)." He says.

After composing myself there is a knock on the door and he answers it and leaves the room speaking in a hush tone. So I grabbed a book of the shelf and started to read it. Once he comes back in he looks at me.

"I am sorry I will put it back."

I got up about to put it away until he grabs my hand.

"It is okay. You can keep reading it if you wish too." He says.

"Thank you."

After getting halfway through the book he comes and sits next to me so I looked up at him.

"Would you like to go to the garden?" He asks.

"Yes, please."

He gets up and grabs my hand then we are off heading to the garden.

The garden was very beautiful. It had red roses, sunflowers, some lilys, and some Sierra Sunsets. My hand started to itch wanting to draw all these flowers, but sadly I could not.

"This is the only place in the castle that I can relax completely." He says.

I nod in return.

"What is wrong?" He asks.


"Your face is scrunched up and you are holding your hand." He says.

"Oh, it is nothing."

"If it was nothing then why does your body tell a different story?" He asks.

"Because it is used to having certain things and now I do not have them."

"Do you mean your sketch book?" He asks.

At first I was shocked the I was confused. How could he know about my sketch book.

"Yes. How did..."

I tried my best not to show my emotions while answering.

"I saw you in the forest the other day drawing. It was like you were in a different world, a world of your own." He says.

"Oh, I get that way when I do any art really."

"I believe your sketch book is in the room." He says.

I followed him out and indeed my sketch book was in my room, but it was not in the open.

"Do you want to go back to the garden or would you like to see the library?" He asks.

"Let's go to the library."

He guides me there and just like last night and all day where ever he touches me gives me the same feeling.

Inside the library or should I say than mansion room that has books neatly on book selfs. I would have to say there is at least twenty book selfs in here making my jaw drop, metaphorically, in awe.

"Do you wish to stay here or would you like to grabs some books for later?" He asks.

For the first time while being here I smile. I ran to the first book that caught my eyes and grabbed it. It was not until I had ten books that I realized how big this room is and that he was watching me with a smile of his own. It was the second smile I have seen today, but this smile was different. It was like he was enjoying my combination of happiness and excitement.

"Okay I think this is enough for now."

He then guides me back to my room where I set the books next to the bed.

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