Sugar Rush

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It was a slightly chilly November evening at the Avengers compound. All of the avengers (Tony, Steve, Nat, Bruce, Wanda, Peter, Clint, Vision, Pietro and Thor) were gathered in the lounge. You were all having a good time, playing video games, getting drunk and unfortunately for you and your sweet cravings, eating candy too.

Everyone knew that it was wise of you to stay away from the sweet stuff because of the huge sugar rush you would get from it. And normally you obliged. Although you loved the stuff, you knew what sort of chaos you could cause when you enter a sugar-induced high, but tonight you couldn't help yourself. It wasn't exactly your intention to eat any candy tonight but Peter, feeling bored, decided he was going to become an accomplice to some 'sweet shenanigans'.

"pssst!! Y/N!" whispered Peter. You were sat next to him in the corner of the huge sofa, along with Steve to your left and your girlfriend, Natasha, was on the other side of the room, in an arm chair. You and the rest of the team were excitedly watching the TV as Clint and Tony battle it out in a game of Super Smash Bros on the Switch. 

"What do you want?" you deadpanned, not taking your eyes off of the TV.

"You hungry?"
"Hmmm, not really, we just ate- i..." Out of the corner of your eye you could see Peter pull a small packet of M&Ms out of his pocket. Your favourite. You licked your lips and shifted your focus to the mini brown packet as he tore off the corner and giggled silently.

"Peter... you know I can't. You and I both know exactly what will happen if I eat any of those." You altered your gaze, now looking him dead in the eyes, which now had a devilish glint in them.

"Exactly" he smirked. "This night is soo boring Y/N and you know it. Clint and Tony are hogging the controllers, there's no way we're gonna get a turn! Come on... Let's have some fun." You looked back down, now seeing him pour some of the M&M's into his palm and offering them out to you discretely. You hesitate for a moment and look across to the other side of the room at Nat. She is sat looking rather comfortable wearing one of your black hoodies and some leggings, with her legs dangling over the arm of the chair as she lightly played with her slightly wavy red locks.

She, unlike the others, wasn't drinking. She liked to stay on the sober side on nights like these in case she needed to attend to any of the others in the event that they drank a little too much. Right now, she was doing the same as the others, eyes fixated on the action taking place on the screen, not paying attention to the shady candy dealing going on in your corner of the sofa. You gulp. "She's gonna kill me" you mutter as you snap your head back around to face Peter and snatch the candy from his hand, quickly pouring it into your mouth. You look around the room and survey everyone's faces as you chew, making sure no one saw.

"Now we wait" Peter chuckled. You take a deep breath and release a huge sigh as you slump down in the sofa, waiting for the adrenaline to hit.

You and Peter leave the room around 5 minutes later, but nobody sees you leave. They're too engrossed in the intense Smash Bros duel going on.

"BOOYAA!! It's all tied up Robin Hood, one more and your a LOSERR!!" Tony shouts.
"Language" Steve whispers.


"Hey, I'm going to go get another drink. Anyone want anything?" Pietro announced as he hopped up and headed towards the door. In doing this he brought everyone in the room back to reality and away from the game. In that moment Nat looks over to where you were once sat, expecting to see your cute little face looking back at her. It was then she realised you and Peter were missing.

"Hey! Where is Y/N and Peter?" Nat questions, quickly sitting up in her seat and a look of worry glazes over her face.

"They're probably playing down in the gym or in the pool, I'm sure they're fine." Tony reassures her as he turns back around to face the TV. "Another beer for me speedy" he adds as he continues to mash on the buttons. Everyone else chimes in with their drink requests.

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