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"Show me it!"

"No! Stop being weird!"

"Natasha I just want to have a look."

You were just sitting at the kitchen island doing some work on your laptop whilst Natasha stood on the other side, making herself lunch, talking to you at the same time.

The compound was quiet today. Not because of missions. Mainly because a lot of the gang wanted to get out and do something fun out in the city. You weren't too fussed, considering you had work to do anyways, and neither was Natasha. Originally she said that she was going to go out with the guys but when you told her you would rather stay home and chill, she decided to do the same. You don't know why, but she did.

You had just been typing away, engaging in a light debate with Natasha over whether apple juice or orange juice is better. Natasha went as far as to get out her phone and see what the internet thought. When online votes had told her that the majority of people preferred apple over orange, totally disproving her argument, she gave in, placing her phone, face up, back down on the counter near your phone.

The two of you continued to chatter. Much to your confusion considering she had not only made, but eaten her lunch forever ago. Not that you minded. You were enjoying her company. A lot. It's just that Natasha isn't known to want to spend prolonged periods of time with... well... anyone. She loved her alone time. Or so you thought...

Whilst chattering away, Natasha's phone lit up as a notification came through. You didn't look for long, not wanting to get all up in her business. The singular text message notification from Tony sitting atop a plain black wallpaper. She wasn't the sentimental type, you thought, so a black background sort of made sense to you. You were, however, curious to see what Tony had to say so you looked at the screen in your peripherals as she dealt with the text.

She hovered her head over the top of the phone to trigger the Face ID, and the text showed up. As she read it, her fingers rested gently on the empty space on the screen. What occurred after made you completely forget about your work. Her once black wallpaper faded out and in to a video a girl leaping onto a bed, and laughing hysterically upon landing. You remember that. You remember that girl. It was you. It was a video of you. Back when the Avengers went on a mission to Italy, you would sometimes run into Natasha's room during those boring nights and leap into her bed and annoy her. Well, you thought you were annoying her. It was a video of that.

You smirked internally. You closed your laptop and decided to pull her up on it. That's how you ended up where you were now.

"Have a look at what?" She smiled, putting her phone behind her back.

"Your wallpaper, let me see." You stood up, making your way over to her.

"There's nothing to see, stop being weird."

"YOU'RE being weird. If there's nothing to see then you'll have no problem showing me."

"Fine. You want to see? Here. See. Nothing!" She pointed her phone screen at you, revealing the plain black wallpaper. She wasn't getting away this easily.

"Let me look."

"Nope. I showed you. We're done here." She slipped her phone in her back pocket and began to walk away. As she did, you snuck up behind her, extracting the phone from her pocket and making a run for it.

"HEY!" She yelled, sprinting after you.

You ran. You ran for your life. You ran faster than you had ever ran before in your life. But that wasn't enough. Not when the person chasing you was Natasha Romanoff. You had to act smart. Act quick. One thing came to mind.

You ran over to the door, yanking it open and running out onto the huge garden space, into the rain.


She didn't follow you out. She didn't want to get wet. Still within speaking range, you turned around. Soaking wet. You opened her phone and held down your thumb on the black screen. And sure enough. The same video played. She had a live wallpaper. Of course. Why didn't you think of that before? You watched the screen as the video ended and faded back into the original black screen.

You smirked as Natasha stood in the doorway, arms folded. You began walking back towards her.

"Nothing huh?" you smiled, getting closer to her.

"Are you happy now?" She said, snatching her phone back once you were close enough.

"More than happy." You smiled, seeing a glow creep onto her face. You engulfed her in a huge hug, soaking her clothing.

"Hey, stop it! You're getting me all wet."

You laughed. Not giving in.

"God, you're so annoying."

"But you love it." You said, pulling your head back to look at her.

"Yeah, yeah."

"You're cute Romanoff." You smiled.

"You're alright too." She giggled.

"Your wallpaper says otherwise."

"I'm never gonna live this down am I?" She sighed.

"Not if you don't kiss me in the next 3 seconds."

"Oh and that would be a real burden, huh?" She smiled, leaning in closer and capturing your lips in hers. It lasted around 10 seconds before you pulled away, taking her by surprise.


"You're such a softie."

"Yeah, well how about I change that wallpaper then?"

"Woah now, no one said anything about that."

"That's what a thought." She smirked, pecking your lips softly.

Natasha Romanoff - Fluff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now