Water Bottle

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You were on your period. Let's just say that you would experience major mood swings and your emotions were severely heightened when you were on it. Now don't be fooled, everyone gets a little restless and emotional on their period, but your circumstance was a little different. Considering your powers were orientated around the use of your mind, it meant that you were a little more dramatic than the average person when it was your time of the month. The slightest thing could make you either: laugh, depressed, hyper, cheery or cry. You were more of a cryer than anything else and the team would know when you were on your cycle purely because of the excessive tears.

You and Natasha, your girlfriend, had been dating for around 6 months now, but you were friends for around 2 years before you made things official. So it's safe to say she's been around to see many of your maxed out emotional phases when that time of the month comes around. Not only was she used to it, but she knew how to deal with you. You liked that she knew what to do with you, because in the midst of a total breakdown over the tiniest thing, it was sometimes difficult to tell her what she could do to help. But there was no need. She knew you too well. The team would usually alert her if you would enter one of these tantrums or peak emotional phases and she would tend to your every need. She made you feel heard. She made you feel listened to and acknowledged. And you would always thank her for that after the 5-7 days was up.

On this particular day... things were getting petty.

You, Steve, Peter, Tony, Thor and Wanda were sat in the lounge watching (insert TV show) just hanging out as pretty much most of the team weren't on a mission. Bruce was in the lab working on a project of his own. Vision was helping Banner. Pietro was down in the gym getting his workout in. Sam and Bucky were on a mission together somewhere in Mexico. And Natasha was in her room finishing up a mission report and was going to join you in the lounge any minute now.

You were sat comfortably in the corner of the couch, leaning against Thor, as he had a single arm draped over your shoulder for comfort. You and Thor were very good friends and had been ever since you joined the avengers. You had a similar sense of humour and hit it off right away. You've been close ever since. He knew what time of the month it was so he was providing a little extra comfort and reassurance whilst you and the group watched TV to make sure you didn't have any sort of outburst.

The episode finishes and the next one begins to load, and as it does, Steve hops up and heads towards the door. "Water anybody?" he asks cheerily.

Tony: "If by water you mean coffee, yes."
Peter: "Yes please, Mr Rogers."
Thor: "Yes brother, water would be much appreciated."
Wanda: "Yeah thanks Cap!"
You: "Can I have it in my water bottle please?"

Steve nods and heads out of the room.

After about 5 minutes he wanders back in and hands everyone their drinks. You were stood up when he walked in because you were just about to go and check on Nat and see if she was nearly done.

"Coffee for you..." Steve trails off handing Tony a mug of hot coffee. From where he's standing he chucks the rest of the bottles of water to the people who asked for them; adding little comments as he goes. "Heads up spidey..." "Here you go Wanda..." "For the Asgardian..." and he looks at you from over the sofa where you're stood and stretched his arm out handing you a water bottle. "and for the little one."

Tears immediately start pooling in your eyes, blurring your vision before dripping down your cheek. You lip trembled and you look right back at Steve. "This isn't my water b-bottle. I don't want this one I want mineeee." You whined and carried on crying, staring at the bottle in your hands. Here we go. Crying over a minor inconvenience. It was definitely that time of the month. "Y/N, I ju- y-your bottle wasn't there I-". Just then Natasha walks in and relives Steve of the duty of dealing with you. Steve is cut off as Natasha walks in front of him and grabs your wrist, pulling you out of the room. "I got this." She mutters to Steve on her way out, winking at him.

"What's wrong baby?" She questions softly as she gently rubs your wrist in her hand and moves a small strand of hair out of your face with the other. "I don't want this bottle." You whined softly, looking down at the unwanted bottle in your hand, tears still slowly streaming. With her free hand, the one that wasn't lightly caressing your shaky wrist, she placed to fingers under your chin and delicately nudged your head upwards so that you were looking straight at her. Her beautiful green eyes scanning your face, full of care and love. She tugged on your wrist, getting you to walk with her to the kitchen. "It's okay, don't cry" she soothed. "Let's go make it better". She smiled warm-heartedly before bringing you to the kitchen.

Still a little upset and letting out the odd occasional sign and a short sniffle, she picked you up by the waist and placed you on the kitchen counter. She placed a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose and giggled slightly as she watched your nose scrunch up afterwards. "What can I do for you, moya lyubov (my love)?" She said gently, rubbing your knee mildly as she waited for you to respond. You just whimpered impatiently and held out the bottle to her. "Use your words baby." She said looking at you and the sad look that was painted on your face. "The bottle" you moaned. "I don't want it... I want my bottle." "Okay, okay" she said reassuringly, rubbing your arm and taking the bottle from your hands. "I'll fix it for you."

She walked over to the cupboard where all the teams water bottles were stored. Everyone on the team had their own water bottle. They were black and had your names engraved on them, so you knew who's was who's. It was Peters idea to get them. Obviously. When she opened the cupboard she saw that your bottle was missing from its allocated place on the shelf. She then remembered hearing Steve say something about how it wasn't there. He must've just grabbed a random bottle instead of looking for yours. She then walked over to the dishwasher and opened it up and peering into it, seeing that your bottle was laid on the rack. She pulled it out and turned to face you, holding the bottle in her fingertips. "This one?" she questions with an eyebrow raised.

Your face lit up and you smiled and gave a little nod. She smirked and went to go and wash it in the sink. She grabbed the water bottle Steve had given you, opened it up poured the contents of the old one into your bottle and screwed the lid back on. She strolled over to you on the counter, shaking the bottle as she walked and handed it to you, now a lot more cheery. "All better, princess?"

"Yeah" you mumbled and smiled before wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug. She loved you when you were like this. All innocent and sweet. "You're adorable" she muttered before she pressed a firm kiss into your cheek. She pulled away from the hug and grabbed your wrist, pulling you down from the counter and you two walked back to the lounge, hand in hand.

She sat in the corner of the couch where you and Thor were sat before and she held her arms out, beckoning you to come and sit on her lap. You did just that, leaning against her chest, hugging your water bottle tight as she kissed your forehead and rested her chin on your head, cradling you in her lap. You looked up and kissed her jaw. "I love you" you whispered. "I love you too, pretty girl" she added, and began rubbing your back.

Let's just say that wasn't the last of the crying that day.

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