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It was night time. You were sitting on the roof of the compound, a particular part of the roof that couldn't be accessed using stairs or a ladder. You had borrowed Nat's grappling hook to get up there. This also meant that she couldn't get up there without it.

"Y/N! Are you even listening to me? I said... Come. Down!"

You were up there sulking after Nat had spent the day tormenting you after a nasty argument the two of you had the night before. This was her revenge, and you'd had enough. You were very easily enraged and she knew what it took to send you over the edge.


-24 hours ago-

"Your unbelievable" you groaned as you stormed into your bedroom, Nat following close behind as she yells at you once more.

"Me?? I'm unbelievable?? Y/N, YOU'RE the one who watched the last few episodes of Black Mirror without me!!! We were supposed to finish it together!" She whined, her voice rising in volume as she follows you into the bathroom.

"You were on a mission for 3 MONTHS, there was nothing else to do!!" you shouted back as you turned around to face her, now leaning your back against the sink. Oh boy was she angry. "besides, I said I'd go back and watch them with you, so what's the big deal?" You added in a much softer and less aggressive tone.

"The problem, Y/N, is that I told you I wanted to watch them with you so we could experience it TOGETHER and you went behind my back and watched them without me. It's OUR SHOW and you- where are you going...?" She questioned, looking puzzled as you brushed past her, leaving the bathroom and heading back into your room.

"I'm not dealing with you when you're like this" You snapped. "You're being dramatic, it's not that big of a deal, so just get over it!" You darted towards the door, about to leave.

"Fine" Nat barked. "If I'm being too dramatic, then you can sleep on the couch". She smirked, folding her arms and leaning against the bathroom doorframe.

"Fine then!" you clapped back, not thinking straight and still a little hotheaded from the argument. The two of you had fallen out, and you knew you were getting the cold shoulder for a few days. Nat was very stubborn so the only way you were ever going to make up is if you apologised. You stormed out of the room, grabbing a pillow off of the bed on your way out and let out a huge sigh before slamming the door shut.


-back on the roof-


"I DONT CARE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" you shouted as you pulled the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands to keep them warm. It was cold. She knew that, and so did you. But this time you were the stubborn one and you weren't going to give in.

"WHATEVER!!" she called out, finally giving in. "BUT DON'T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN IT STARTS RAINING AND YOU GET WET." She headed back inside and you let out a sigh of relief. You shuffled over to the edge of the roof, sitting down, dangling your legs over the ledge of the roof, swinging them back and forth. You took this moment to think about what happened today...


-the morning after the argument-

You let out a huge groan as you rubbed your eyes and sat up on the couch. You had slept their all night. Usually when you and Nat get into a fight which results in one of you sleeping on the couch, it doesn't take long for one of you to cave and go and lay with the other. When this happened, you would cuddle with each other for the rest of the night without a word, not discussing the details of whatever dispute you had. This time was different. Neither of you caved. This made you kind of sad and you had decided that you were going to try and apologise to her in some sort of way today.

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