Valentine's Day 2

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Natasha's POV

"What're you staring at?"

What a miserable evening. I sat slumped in the corner of the couch next to Maria, Clint sat where my feet were propped up and Steve was somewhere on the other end. We were supposed to be watching this movie but it was the dullest thing I might have ever seen. Maria knows of my love for movies and recommended this one for her and I to watch. Clint and Steve tagged along as soon as we sat down, but I wasn't interested. At all.

Every now and again my focuses would linger on something I was much more curious about. Something that I feel like I would just sit and watch all day if I could; but that would be kind of creepy I suppose.

To the right, and just behind where we were sitting, a fair few feet away sat under the dim dining table lights was Y/N and her cat, Toby. She sat quietly mumbling to her cat, though I wasn't exactly in hearing distance so who knows what she's saying.

That girl has always piqued my interest since the day she arrived. She's the prettiest, most loveable soul I may have ever met. She came here with her cat and I always see her talking to him and he'll give a 'meow' back. It's cute.

She's hilarious and so friendly. Everyone here loves her but I'm not sure of how aware of it she is yet. But I cant seem to get past how truly pretty she is. She's one of those people you're just captivated by. You cant put it into words but the feeling is just so overwhelming. I feel like I almost find myself looking for her in every room I go in. Part of me wishes I had the guts to approach her more often and have a conversation longer than 5 minutes.

"Hello? What are you looking at?" Maria repeats, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, nothing, sorry." I apologise turning my focuses away from Y/N writing or drawing maybe, and back to the movie.

"It's getting to the funny part, watch."

There definitely was not a funny part.

I'd much rather be over there, with her, doing whatever she's doing...

... The Next Day ...

I had just got back from the store when I went to go drop some of the bags off in my room. After leaving them by my bed, and disposing of my jacket, I went to head back down to the main area, when I passed the library.

The door was open around half way and I stopped when I heard someone talking. I walked backward, staring inside. On one of the sofas I saw Y/N laid with Toby on her shoulder, facing away from the door. She had her leg propped up with a notepad resting against it as she spoke to herself. Actually, I think she's talking to the cat? That's so adorable.

What is she saying? I stepped closer quietly, leaning against the doorframe.

"Okay so we're going for flowers but what about the letter. What do I even say?" She went on rambling. "Do I say like 'I like you' or is that too much, or maybe something like 'I'd like to get to know you better'... no no no that's dumb. Or how about a simple 'you're pretty'... no that's not it. Maybe ask her on a date? No that's too quick. Or what about a poem, could poetry work? Argh but I can't write poetry. A song? What about a song? Hmm, I can write songs either. Why is it so hard Toby?"

Oh my goodness!! She's doing all of that for someone on Valentine's Day. And here's me thinking she couldn't get any sweeter. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen. SHE'S the cutest thing I've ever seen.

As she rambles on I can't help but feel a little jealousy grow though. Whoever this is for is a lucky person. I sort of wished it wasn't for anyone else... but me. I just hope whoever it's for appreciates it. I'd kill for her attention. Hell, I'd kill for flowers and a card from her. Actually I'd just kill for her in general. As bad as it sounds I hope this person isn't the one for her. I want to be the one for her. I want her. No. Natasha that's selfish. As long as she's happy.

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