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—Part 2 to 'Wasted'—



"Come here." Natasha demanded from the bedroom whilst you were getting ready in the bathroom.

Tonight was the night. Your first party in forever; or at least what felt like forever. You were getting ready, brushing your teeth, touching up your makeup and selecting a handful of rings to put on. The party had already started about half an hour ago and you and Natasha were getting ready to arrive fashionably late like always, or at least, you WERE getting ready until she summoned you. You strolled out of the bathroom, smoothing out your dress as you made you way towards your girlfriend stood in the middle of the room.

"Yes love?"

She had her arms stretched out, signalling you to walk into her embrace, which you did. She pulled you by the hips, pressing you up against her as her hands snaked from your hips to wrap around your waist and lock you in place.

"Listen, I know we've had this conversation a thousand times already but I'm serious. No trouble tonight, okay?"

"Yes, I know Nat." You rolled your eyes. She jerked you closer, tightening her grip.

"Y/N I'm serious. I need you on your best behaviour or Stark isn't going to let you come to another party... EVER. Just do what I told you okay? Keep your drinks to an ABSOLUTE minimal and don't leave my sights, got it? Can you do that... please? For me?"

"I promise I'll be good. I'm a changed woman." You smirk.

"I beg to differ..." She smirked back, leaning in and planting and delicate kiss on your lips. You kissed back, making sure to be just as soft. The kisses started getting more passionate and more firm. She licked your bottom lip gently, to which you allowed her to enter. The kiss slowly turned heated and you were stood in the middle of your room making out with one another. Your hands were combing through her hair and hers were wrapped firmly around your waist, pulling you impossibly close as you two went at it. The kisses soon turned sweet again, exchanging soft pecks on each other's lips, smiling into each and every one of them. Natasha nudged your nose gently with hers and smiled at you. "Just be good." She sighed.

"I'll try."

You gave each other one last peck before pulling apart completely and heading out of your room towards the party.

The two of you arrived downstairs, hand-in-hand as you made your way towards the main area, following the faint sound of music which thumped in the distance. Once you entered, the two of you scanned the room, looking for a group to join. Natasha eyed Steve, Bucky and Sam over by the bar whilst you eyed Carol and Valkyrie on the other side of the room.

You let go of Natasha's grip and began heading in their direction. "I'm gonna go sit with Carol and Valk over there." you said pointing. Before you had chance to move very far, Natasha had grabbed a hold of your wrist and tugged at it so that you would look at her. "Y/N... I mean it, okay? Be-have." She scolded with a serious glare. "I know, I know, I'm going." You iterated, raising your hands in defeat. You both headed your separate ways for the night.

"Hey girlies!" You squealed when you approached the two girls, holding out your arms so that you could hug them both. They both ran into your embrace, practically tackling you as the three of you excitedly jumped up and down, giggling frantically.

"Oh it's good to be back huh?" Carol quipped confidently, deeply inhaling the vibrant party air. "Tell me about it." You laughed. "I'm on close watch tonight so I'm kicking back this time around." You said, planting yourself down on the sofa that the two were previously situated on. "What's that supposed to mean?" Valkyrie asked as her and Carol took a seat either side of you. "Apparently Stark said if we have another incident tonight, we're never allowed at one of his parties again." The two of them gave you a shocked look, jaws dropping as they shared a glance with one another, then looking back at you.

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