Car Journey

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What a wild night out.

You and the team had attended another famous Tony Stark party. It was the grand opening of a new training facility for agents, away from the compound and Tony had decided the best way to 'break it in' was to host a huge party.

After a night of dancing, socialising and drinking games, you were a little drowsy. After an intense game of Ring of Fire with the rest of the Avengers, ending up with you having to drink the 'pot' (a concoction consisting of several alcoholic components... none of which work tell together so it's pretty yuck), you had every right to feel vaguely heavy-eyed and rather disobedient. It was 12:30pm and a lot of the gang had gone home. On top of all of the agents still partying hard, the last few standing consisted of Thor, Tony, Clint, Pietro, Nat and yourself. Let's just say you had 'drank to completion' over the course of the night and you were far from sober. As was everyone else except Nat.

She had consumed one singular drink tonight and that was her done. She liked to stay on the sober-ish side on nights like these where she knew that you would be getting drunk. Being friends with Thor had its influences on you and you never backed down from a little healthy drinking competition. She liked to tell you that she stayed sober so that she could make sure that you didn't embarrass yourself; which was partly true. Truth is, she loved taking care of you when you were drunk. You were always super loving and adorable after a few drinks and you couldn't help but shower your girlfriend with affection and complements. She would always enjoy being bombarded with your persistent kisses and frequent hugs and cuddles though she would never take advantage of you when you were like this.

Your drunk persona also had a disobedient side to it. Nothing harmful or dangerous, just remotely childish, like little tantrums and what not, which Natasha also enjoyed the sight of.

You and the remaining avengers were gathered together, spread across a few sofas in a somewhat secluded area of the building. Thor and Clint were engaging in some petty argument over who was the better drinker. Though, you weren't really listening because you were slipping in and out of consciousness with your head rested on Nat's shoulder. You were fighting to stay awake because you knew if you did fall asleep, Thor would mock you for being a lightweight for the next week or so. You had your hand resting palm up on Natasha's lap as she absentmindedly played with your fingers and massaged your palm whilst she listened to the argument that Thor and Clint were having.

"I'm from Asgard, what mu-makes you think you're a better du-drinker than me, p-puny mortal?"
"Because. You and I have consumed the same amount tonight and you're slurring your words already." Clint clapped back looking smug.
"Fetch me my Pop Tarts!!" Thor boomed, the rather random comment catching the rest of you off guard and you all erupted in laughter and giggles. Nat chuckled and she looked down to see if you were doing the same. As she looked down, she saw you fading in and out, struggling to keep your eyes open. Her heart melted at the sight of you trying your hardest to fight off they sleepiness. A battle you were about to lose any minute now.

"Come on sleepy head... let's get you home." She mumbled, pressing a kiss into your forehead and nudging her shoulder trying to get you to sit up.
"Noooooooooo!" you whined, rubbing your eyes. "I'm not tired." She laughed at your adorableness. "Yeah whatever you say..." she chuckled standing up and grabbing your wrists, tugging at them to get you to stand up.

"No!" You demanded, whipping your wrists, braking free from her hold and folding your arms in defiance. "I'm not going! I'm not tired!" you insisted, yawning as you did so. She knew what to do. That little disobedient drunk would soon be overshadowed by the lovergirl within you. "Fine then... I guess we WONT go home and cuddle then..." she watched as your angry pout morphed into a frown, accompanied by some puppy dog eyes. "W-Wait. Natasha-" you stumbled up out of your seat on the couch and went after her as she had started to walk away. She turned to face you, a smirk painted on her face. "Actually I-I'm kinda umm- kinda uhh- tired..." you slur, scratching the back of your head. She smiles, holds your hand and locking her fingers in place, and leads you out. "Bye boys!" she yells as she leaves.

You make it to her car and she helps you into the passenger seat before she then climbs into the drivers side. Seeing as she hadn't drank much, she was good to drive the two to you home. She sets off and you head towards home.

5 minutes into the journey and out comes lovergirl. You slide your hand over to grab Nat's hand, the one resting on her lap whilst the other one steers. You grab a hold and squeeze. She doesn't shift her gaze from the road, though she takes your hand in hers and you lock your fingers with one another's. She gently caresses your thumb as she drives along, occasionally lifting your interlocked hands to her mouth so that she can give your hand a quick peck. This wasn't enough for you. You wanted more affection. More attention. You lean over the console, loosening your belt and press a kiss into Nat's cheek, to which she responds by turning to face you and giving you a quick kiss on the lips. You smiled, your face glowing but that still wasn't enough. You pulled yours and Nat's hands, the ones that were intertwined and pulled them over to you. You separated your hands and guided her hand to rest on your cheek. She rubbed your cheek gently with her thumb and you hummed in appreciation at her warm and delicate touch. Still not enough though.

You huffed, causing Nat to look at you. You had stopped at a red light and were waiting. "What's the matter baby?" the questions softly. "More..." you whined. She cocked her brow and looked at you slightly confused. "More what sweetheart?" "More hugs. I want to cuddle now!" you demanded in a soft but raspy voice. Just then, without a word, Nat reached over and unbuckled your seatbelt and her own. She grabs you from over the console, scooping you up and placing you on her lap. She now grabs her buckle and places it over both of you, securing you in your seat. The roads were quiet so she didn't mind having you there for the rest of the journey home.

You smiled and kissed her cheek before she kissed your nose, watching it scrunch up immediately after. You let out a sigh of content and relief as you were finally getting the attention you wanted. You cuddled into her chest, burying your head in the crook of her neck. The lights go green and you carry on with your journey home. She kissed the crown of your head once you were nearly home and mumbled a small 'I love you' into you hair. "I love you more" you proclaim, while you drew little patters on her arm.

"Not possible" she mutters.

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