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Katie's P.O.V.

I woke up to find Travis's face on my comforter and pillow.I was so surprised I screamed and fell off my bed.Which woke up my siblings.They looked in my direction and screamed and fell off their beds.When a whole cabin screams and falls off their bed at least someone going to come running.We had half the campers at CHB at our cabin and seeing my bed."Travis f**k you !" I shouted once I recovered.Eventually the campers went back to doing whatever they were doing.Travis came in the cabin full of glaring,dangerous kids that wanted to strangle him with poison ivy.Travis smirked "Like your anniversary present?"I tore off the pillow cover and comforter cover and threw it to Travis."What's the anniversary?" I asked.My sibling were straining to strangle him.I looked at Miranda with a face that said when i hold three fingers attack him.Pass it on.She looked at Thea who passed the look to another person.Travis rolled his eyes "Did you forget? It's the day we came to camp" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes "It's not the day we came to camp.That day is next week idiot"I smiled an evil smile "Hope you enjoy this" I walked very close to him and leaned in and held three fingers.BOOM! A green vine grabbed him and it trapped him to the ceiling.Another plant gagged him.Travis thrashed and looked at me like how could you do this to me? A sticky vine came glued him to the ceiling.The first vine went away but,the plant that had gagged him stayed.Good.I faced my sisters and brothers "C'mon let's go to breakfast" Then I headed out of the cabin.At breakfast I helped my yougnest sister Sara.Sara is only 6 years old.She looks like any Demeter child.Green eyes and brown hair."What do want for breakfast?" I asked Sara "Pancakes!" she exclaimed "Okay,l'll go get them.You wait at our table." I said "K" She said and bounced off.I got the pancakes and an omelet for me."Here" I said placing the pancakes in front off Sara.She was sitting with Carmen and Lily.I sat between Miranda and Violet."This morning was fun" Violet said taking a bite out of her french toast. "If I had a picture of someones face on my blanket,I'd freak out" Miranda said. "Did you see his expression when the vine grabbed him?" I asked "That was funny.I actually thought you were gonna kiss him!" Violet exclaimed " I wonder how he is doing there?" I wondered "He's fine" Miranda said waving her fork.Everywhere around us was talking about this morning."Yeah,that was really fun.Which one of you are going to help Sara find her class?" I asked "I'll do it" Violet piped up."C'mon let's go" i said leaving the table

Travis's P.O.V.

What a bitch! I thought she was going to kiss me,the minute I lean in a rope or something grabs me and flattens me to the ceiling! But If you think about it she did have a evil smile. *sigh* I guess I can't think when I'm around Katie-kat.She even has a partner in crime,Miranda.I have seen Conner steeling looks at her.And he is good.If he is caught he will just say "I'm not looking at you I'm looking at that thing behind you".Sometime I think Conner is better at this then me.So I'm on the ceiling with something sticky around me looking like a douche bag when Katie comes in.She is holding a notebook that looks really familiar.WAIT is that the doodling notebook?! NO! Is frigging is! Damn it! Hey! Don't laugh at me but,I doodle Katie's name in there.It's kinda like my diary."Travis I have no words on how funny this is" She say.I feel my face grow hot.That was the last this I wanted Katie to see.I could'nt talk because of this stupid vine gag."I had no idea you doodle my name.Here let's get you down"She waved her hand and I fell.Fortunately I fell on a bed."Katie do not tell anyone." I said very seriously. "Or what." She said crossing her arms. "I'll spray paint your roses black"I said still serious. "And you'll tell me something juicy" She said.I sat on the edge of the bed. "Conner has one dedicated to Miranda" I said "And I this is true" I added "Deal"she said "Now out". I went out without a word

Hiya Chocolate Marshmallows! Ooh I wonder what will happen next?! Sorry for keeping you hanging.I have a question for all of you.Which coutry are you from? I'm not a stalker or something don't worry.I'm just interested in where are my readers are from.












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