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I skip towards my garden which has many flowers planted and a beautiful bright blue lake, I get on my knees in front of the lake and lean forward. I see bubbles form above the lake, I smile knowing she senses me. I see the top half of her face as her nose and mouth stay underwater, she starts to swim towards me slowly.

"Hello Hailey!" I say smiling at my beautiful siren friend, she fully lifts her hair out of the water showing her full face. I met Hailey once when she was sitting on the side of the lake far from my home, I approached her boldly and talked to her, she didn't speak English so I taught her some words.

I've heard a lot of bad stories about Sirens but I believe not everyone of them are bad, like Hailey. She hasn't harmed me once.

"Hello... Ayla." She says in her magical echoed voice

"Mother has left to go get some needed house items." I say laying down on the pebble ground looking up to the sky as Hailey floats above the water. Then I remembered something she told me yesterday about her-

"Did you talk to him?" I ask turning sideways to face her, she lets out a nervous giggle.

"Yes, I did he's quite..... charming." I start to pout

"Did he teach you English? You never knew all those words!"

"Calm down, he is my mate after all. I do need to learn the word to know how to speak to him." 

"I guess you're right." I lay back on my back "Do you think I'll ever meet him?" 

"I can introduce you if-"

"No I mean my mate. I'm scared to be honest, I'll have to spend more time with them which means I won't be able to see you anymore or well not as much."

"The day will come. You are... old are you not?"

"I'm 20."

"Yes... two zero. You will soon have to go into adulthood, it is destined to happen."

"That is true." 

"AYLA!! DEAR WHERE ARE YOU?" I hear my mother shout from inside the house.

"Garden mother!" I sit up properly and turn to face where my mother will enter from. I see the back door open and my mother walk out, she's so beautiful. Pail skin, bring blue eyes, she has a long white gown on and her wings are fully out... her pure white wings I've touched them once or twice and they are quite soft. 

Once she made eye contact with me she smiled and bent her wings in so they can disappear in her back "Hello dear! " She shifts her gaze to Hailey "Ah Hailey hello!" My mother takes quite a liking to Hailey, she was nervous and curious in the beginning but she's grown to like her. 

"Hello mother." Hailey calls her mother since I don't call mother by her first name because that would just be rude.

Mother smiles wider if that's possible "Will you be joining us for dinner? I'm making Italian today!" She says lifting up the bags of groceries. 

"How could I say no?" Hailey hops out and takes one of the towels we leave out for her and she dried herself, soon she had legs and all of her scales were gone. Yup that's right she can transform, she has to be carful and not get any water on her. I stand up with Hailey who is currently naked but she wraps the towel around her and we head inside to have a family dinner.


I'm bent over in front of the kitchen with Zaiden sitting down on the dining table, he's the only person Ii can tolerate in this hell-hole... literally. I come out of being bent over with 6 bottles of beers in my hand. I sit across from him and slide him three of them.

"Did you see the new devil?" Zai asked

"The red skinned one?" I ask taking a swing 

"Yeah, dude she so fucking fine! She has these perfectly curled horns and her lips are pure black, her skin is the exact color of blood. Her ass is so huge, she has curves in the best places known to man." 

I chuckle knowing once this girl gets a look at me she'll want a piece "Mmm, where can I find this red one?"

"She's in the throne room with her maker and your father, their talking about the rules or whatever. You know I don't like devils like that but damn... this one is different." 

"Ready for a show?" We get up from out chairs and walk to the throne room, I see Zai rip his shirt off I just chuckle at the idiot and take a swing. "Father!" I roared out when I see the Throne room in view.

Don't you dare son! I hear my father mind-link me, I shake my head and swing the doors open to only receive and glare from my father.

"Hello... daddy!" I say looking straight into the King of Hells eyes as he shook his head in frustration.

"Hello son, I would like you to meet the new devil that will be working with us from now on." I turn my head with a smirk on my face as see the red skinned girl, everything Zai said about her was absolutely true. The only thing he didn't seem to mention were her boobs... I hate big boobs. They get in the wat (A/N: No disrespect to anyone who has big boobs, I myself have big boobs and they do get in the way so I'm speaking form like experience so please don't get offended!) 

I quickly turn my smirk into a annoyed look and rolled my eyes looking away from her, I see her face fall. "Anyways, I'm bored." Is all I say as I walk up to my fathers throne and sit on the arm rest as his son I get privileges. No one, no living breathing person has ever dared to come this close to the throne or my father absolutely no one...... except me of course. 

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