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Just would like to say I'm not religious and I don't know the full Adam and Eve story, I only know the basic's so I won't be writing this off of the story that everyone knows, I'm writing it my way but with the same characters if that makes sense, I also don't mean to offend anyone who is religious. Thank you and enjoy the read!


Third person (Backstory on God and Eve)

Many many years ago, Nemesis decided to walk through a small village down in earth. She was bored and had nothing to do, at this time she didn't make Ayla just yet, as Nemesis walked trough the village, people just stared at her. Everyone in the village was dirty and covered in mud but Nemesis was clean, not a spec of dirt and wore a long white gown. 

God I'm starving She though, she looked around for a good place to eat when something caught her nose, something delicious. She followed the sent and was lead to a small house, she knocked on the door and a elderly lady answered. She was very small and had a little hunch back and cane. "Oh hello dearie, what can I help you with?"

"Oh, I smelled something quite divine and my nose lead me here. I had a long day today walking through the village and my stomach is empty I was wonder-"

"Of course! Come, come in please!" The old woman stepped aside and Nemesis walked through. Throughout their lunch together Nemesis grew closer with the old lady, her name is Cassie and she has no children. As Nemesis grew closer with the old lady she started to visit her frequently and Cassie even taught her how to cook, Nemesis wanted to make Cassie a daughter since she was about to go on a trip for a long time.

"Cassie." Nemesis said as she mushed the ground beef together in the bowl.

"Yes dear?"

"I'm going on a business trip very soon and I won't be back for another 100 years." 

"Oh I see..." She stops chopping her vegetables, she takes a quick breath and then continues. "Well, I will be here waiting for you as usual."

"Yes but I don't want you to be alone and all, who would make food with you?" Nemesis washed her hands and started to dry them on a towel.

"I can pay those little boys on the streets if I really need help."

"No Cassie." Nemesis grabs the elderly woman's hands "I don't trust those boys, the are dirty and can poison you. Not to mention your money status, you have no more money to give them, you won't even let me give you money. I don't understand Cassie, please stop being stubborn and at least let me find you a new home."

"No." She snatches her hands away from Nemesis "I do not need your help, I have survived long and alone. I am an independent woman and can do everything by myself." She goes back to chopping, Nemesis let's out a sigh knowing she won't be able to get anywhere else with the stubborn lady. 

Later that day Nemesis started to get to work, she spent 3 months working on her. Then finally, a few days before her trip she was complete... Everly. For the next two days Nemesis taught Everly everything she needed to know by planting all of Nemesis's knowledge into her brain. 

"Eve!" Nemesis shouted

"Yes Mother?" Eve walked over to the kitchen where her mother stood.

"Are you ready?" She said with a wide smile, Eve nodded happily. Once they arrived at Cassie's house Nemesis knocked, and instead of Cassie opening the door is was a young male. "Who are you? Where is Cassie?"

"Oh she is in the kitchen, my name is Adam." He stretched out his hand but Nemesis didn't take it, instead Eve did. Eve couldn't explain why but she felt a connecting with Adam and the moment their hands touched she felt sparks.

"Oh Nemesis! Dear you are here, come in come in!" Cassie called from the kitchen, they walked in and once Cassie spotted Eve she stopped chopping her vegetables. "Who is this young lady?"

"Hi, I'm Everly but I go by Eve."

"Oh lovely to meet you Eve, Nemesis?" Cassie gave Nemesis a confused look

"I know what you said but.. I really didn't want you to be alone so I made her for you. She's 3 months old so far but her intelligence is of a one thousand year old person. She's you're granddaughter." Cassie was shocked, of course she knew Nemesis was a goddess because she told her but she didn't know that Nemesis could make people. She looked at Eve with a shocked yet happy face.

She embraces Eve with a bear hug and pinching her cheeks "You are a cutie now aren't you!! How adorable!! I've always wanted a grandchild, oh my. Do you know how do cook... oh god there's so much we need to catch up on. Please call me 'granny' I've always wanted to be called that and-"

"Cassie, you have 100 years to catch up with her while I'm away . Don't kill her with your questions just yet." Nemesis joked, she smiled at the sight in front of her. She had a family, something she's always wanted, she never wanted it to end. But all good things come to an end. 

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