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Ayla open her eyes and start to panic, she can't see anything. Everything is pitch black, there's no light in sight. Are my eyes even opened? She thought to herself, she blinks over and over, am I bind? She starts to do the spell her mother taught her once, a light spell. A halo appears above her head shining light around in front of her so she can see where she's going.

She start to look around for Luciano but can't find him. She quickly climbs off of the big bed as the halo of light follows her. She opens a big black door and walk down a hallway, she starts to see light at the end. As we walks further she see's Luciano sitting at a tall table with another demon eating food, they haven't noticed her yet.

"Luciano?" She says quietly rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. Luciano's head snaps towards his small Angel who still looks very tired, he finds himself staring at her adorableness. He gets up and squats in front of her.

"Yes Angel." He say, she can feel his warm breathe on her face, she looks up at him and he notice her eyes are a little red. He was about to say something until she hugs him. He tenses up not being used to this sudden move but relaxes and hugs her back.

"Why did you leave me in the dark room... I couldn't see anything." She says quietly in his chest, he starts to feel bad, he should've known she's not used to pitch black since she's grown up in light. 

"I'm sorry, I'll put a lamp in my room so you can see." He lifts her up and carries her to his chair, once he sits down he places her on his lap "You can do magic?" He ask as he puts a fork full of eggs near her mouth, she nods. He noticed the halo of light above her head when she walked in and it just disappeared when he hugged her.

"Dude you're already whipped." Zaiden jokes taking a bite of his bacon

"Back off dude, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Luciano, son of Lucifer, Prince of Hell, might become King of Hell. Is feeding a fucking Angel and denial." Zaiden says, he's never seen Luciano feed someone or carry them or be gentle. 

"Language!" Ayla says

"She's special, she keeps me calm."

"So when are you gonna.... fuck her." Zaiden says whispering the last part, making sure she doesn't here. He doesn't believe his best bud he's known for year would go soft over one girl, he looks down at the girl who is leaning into the fork that has bacon on it not paying attention to the conversation. 

Zaiden chuckles at the dumb airhead girl and looks back up at Luciano to only see his horns have grown and his eyes are black, not fully though. Zaiden's smile drops, he pushed his buttons and Luciano was about to go ballistic and he is no match for him, no one is. 

Ayla is staring at Luciano's hand wondering why he hasn't put another piece of egg in her mouth, she looks at the demon across the table and see's his scared face, she then looks up at Luciano. His eyes aren't purple anymore, their black and his horns have grown a little. Ayla's never seen horns before so she stands on his lap and grabs his horns. 

She starts to giggle feeling the weird things, since Luciano is mad he's not in the right state plus no one ever touches his horns but once he feels his hates small hands wrap around them he suddenly calms down. He knows if he goes crazy he would scare her or worst... kill her. He doesn't remove her from his horns, he likes the way she touches them, she's not afraid of him.

"What are you doing he'll kill you!" Zaiden yell standing up knocking the table over, Luciano quickly moves back and holds his Angel close to him and hold her in his chest blocking all of the flying objects from hitting her. 

He feels his Angel start to shake in his arms, he smells fear... she's scared. Luciano feels himself loose control over Landon, he's furious. 

"Angel?" Luciano says, he needs to keep Landon in, he doesn't want her first impression of Landon to be bad. Ayla looks up from his chest, she's scared but she knows he will protect her. She sees almost al the white from his eyes gone, she doesn't think and places her hand on his cheek. She feels him calm down, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe, once he exhales he opens his eyes and their back to purple. 

"You're ok." Is all Ayla could say, Luciano places her on the ground and turns around to see Zaiden and his 4 demons out prepare to fight him.

"The hell are you doing Zaiden you could've hurt her, you have to think before you do shit." Luciano says pinching the bridge of his nose, Ayla wraps her hand around his index finger and look at Zaiden and his other demons. 

"What the heaven, is this some type of fucking joke? A sick trick? Landon is supposed to be out right now!" Zion (one of Zaiden demons) says. Ayla doesn't like it when people yell or argue so she lets go of Luciano's finger and walks up to Zaiden. He looks down at her in amusement, how she's so little yet has so much courage to walk up to a demon.

Ayla stretches her wings out and fly's up to Zaiden's face, she places a kiss on his forehead. Luciano is not a fan off his mate kissing another man, he begins to feel himself become pissed off. "Please stope fighting." Ayla says looking into Zaiden's orange eyes, his demons were gone.

Zaiden had this odd feeling when Ayla touched him, he felt his heart thump and a spark on his forehead. He wants more, he wants her

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